God, someone give OP a gift or something!!.
I come from GW1 and I gotta say, this new GW2 Anet feels like a different Anet from GW1. I know they have to earn money but it seems that’s all they think about now . In GW1 we had a lot of lore wich I loved about GW now its just like they are saying “heres this new patch, with new stuff to buy and yeah, another zerg event” no lore, no explanation about nothing and I want to add something, there were A LOT of thing they could do better with the transition between GW1 and 2 but there is one thing that I will never forgive and thats Gwen’s grave. She was the pillar and at least for me, the center of GW1 universe and they forgot about her not even a big statue in Divinity’s, nothing, just a poor forgoten grave…