Showing Posts For Excal.3540:

WvW Videos

in WvW

Posted by: Excal.3540


Small group roaming, solo roaming, combat rotations, etc.

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Excal.3540


My guild had some good times with Ehmry Bay and Maguuma invaders this morning around Victor’s Lodge. Thanks for all the fun

[CD] [FEAR] is recruiting hardcore players

in Guilds

Posted by: Excal.3540


For Everything A Reason [FEAR], is a new guild on Crystal Desert seeking hardcore players who want to challenge themselves and pursue the maximum extents of this game.

Are you starting to PUG your dungeon runs because your guild is too casual and you can’t depend on your members for speedruns? This is the guild for you.

Do you like roaming in WvW and always wanted some friends who knew what they were doing? Especially friends who aren’t afraid of fighting outnumbered? This is the guild for you.

Do you like tournament PvP or testing out builds in sPvP? This is the guild for you.

We understand this kind of guild will not be swimming in influence. We understand you may remain a part of a larger guild for various events, WvW zerging, etc. However, we would like for you to rep us when you can, especially if you go solo roaming. We want to build a guild that strikes respect and most importantly [FEAR] in the enemy when they see us.

We currently have 3 members. Some of us have decent tPvP experience. I am personally experienced with tPvP and understand the current meta. All of us like roaming in WvW, flipping camps, killing yaks, and most importantly, killing invaders.

If you feel this guild is the right fit for you, please send mail to Excal.3540 with whatever communication device you use (Teamspeak, vent, mumble, etc.) and we will arrange a time to talk!

Final Event should be repeated.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Excal.3540


I second this. Server issues, combined with the fact that a lot of people found the final event phase enjoyable, should lead to this event being repeated.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Excal.3540


If there is an overflow that isn’t full, please send me an invite.

IGN: Mael Stroms