Showing Posts For Exceptionl.8972:
So here comes an update again. later today I would like to see that my mailbox is in tact! You are right about the support team being a joke though. In personal emails each time I respond it is as if a new person takes on my case and starts again from day 1. I’d really like to use these gems I have but it’s tough to support a team that has such a poor support team. the backdate of karma didn’t bother me honestly. It was pretty poorly translated though Karma is not currency I care about very much, that extra 10% or whatever we get from boosts feels insignificant and this issue has been quiet. Nothing on a fix in the future. There must be a way to look at mail we had pre-patch, and just return all those mails to the database or something. they wouldn’t need to resend them like they did with the birthday gifts… but just fix the error for those who lost items being sent.
Doing cursed shore can be a pain but what makes it even worse is the champion guarding the skill point in noose road. My server the far shiverpeaks there is not many wondering around there so this Skill Point which is guarded by the champion makes this a difficult task it is next to neigh impossible to get with out using the secret way which still requires timing. Should he be changed to a vet as I don’t think the secret way is the best way.. Would be nice to see what the devs think of this
Get that stealth kit thing. Pretty much the only reason I use thief to do map completion.
Rox’s and Braham’s weapons.
Flame and Frost Dyes.
All permanent gathering tools.
Wintersday weapons
Southsun Supply CratesNot much else comes to mind.
Flame and frost dyes yes please. Southsun supply crates would be nice because those are the skins I wanted the most and yet I didn’t get a single one. Somehow though, I managed 3 jade dragon tickets :] Rox and Braham would be nice, I’d definitely buy the quiver since I only had enough for the Shield.
Just a thought, maybe you were taking less damage because he was soaking so much of it? I’m with Tolmos on this though.
I don’t think they will ever let us buy WXP with Karma because the model for WvW is supposed to encourage players to be able to do WvW without restricting them to play PvE right? Maybe not. But I still don’t see that happening. One request I would like to add is to have a tab for WvW sort of like in PVP. I personally carry extra armor and soon other accessories just for my WvW build and it would be nice to not have to put all that on again and change my traits sort of like how I can warp to Pvp, do my daily and then back to pve without worrying about switching my traits around again.
We will not be changing WvW ranks or WxP to be account bound. However, we are going to be implementing a host of changes that should make this seem less like some sort of punishment(a categorization I disagree with entirely) and more of a character progression system. The first step is the liquid WXP that is being added to the rank up chests which is account-bound. We are planning additional systems as well. Hopefully, as we continue to announce some of those changes, you will be happier with the system.
The idea I posted to reddit for those who wanted account Bound WvW ranks. Just a thought..
“What if each capture gave the gold participants a wvw level, but each week you reset. so basically everybody is starting on an even playing field at the start of each week. to max it you just have to cap for awhile. I mean this would have to be balanced somehow though, since if you get an early edge you could have the overall better zerg but still I think it is an idea worth looking into. ;]”
Agreed, we definitely need a filter for light, medium and heavy armor.
So necessary honestly I was in BLTP for hours looking for a particular low level item but had to shuffle through soooooo many things because of all the different sets of stats and 3 armor types. -_-
account bound would mean that my warrior who kills guards would not be different than my supply running ranger or my treb engineer. I like that they aren’t account bound but maybe that is just me because so many people want it to be account bound. The vials are more than enough.
Don’t worry guys maybe this is all part of Scarlet’s master plan? Maybe it is Evon taking revenge since we didn’t use enough of our votes properly. No matter what, I’m glad it is being looked into and that we are getting updates regularly to both the forum and our tickets.
I didn’t use any smilies, yet I clicked the Disable smilies button on the bottom because there is nothing to smile about here.
So much stuff was lost here due to this oversight, and I feel bad for everyone who is plagued by this issue. I just posted on another forum about this, and yes it happened with that last patch but I’m glad I started looking into it now as there is more activity on the issue. I only wish I didn’t lose things that are irreplaceable such as gemstore skins from the past, or past event skins.
Anyway, Thinking about it logically, I don’t happen to know much about server storage and data with games. If somehow all the mail in the system could be looked at pre-patch and restored that would be great but somehow I doubt that is possible. I used to run a server for a game called Ragnarok and had player message problems a few times in which I had to “rollback” the entire server to restore things to a better state. It was an emergency though because apparently a player learned how to hack into mysql and change parameters giving his account GM access. Anyway, I guess all we can do is hope for the best and that anet has some sort of mail backup or history so that we can get our items.
After reading through more of your messages here I have very little faith that they can or will do anything about this issue. I suppose it was my fault for trusting this faulty mail system. I had an encounter once where another player wanted an item I linked in mail from a world boss chest. I told him I would give it to him for 2 ectos, and sent him the exotic dagger. To me it was no big deal. he stated my box was full when it was not. in the end I got over it. it was just a measly exotic dagger. no big deal.
this however, is crushing me. I have lost a lot from this, more than I can take. It should not have happened and if it isn’t reversible then.. I regret buying that stupid noise maker just to support such a lacking company lol. I really need to see some hope here everyone, cause I want to keep playing. yet I am a voter, and if my dollars don’t count, you won’t see them. not ever again. —> ask microsoft they know very well.
I just submitted this same problem via support and I am really hoping to resolve it soon. I thought that it would be a widespread thing. and knew it had to do with the recent update because that is when it happened. When I realized that the event was over and I couldn’t get the rucksack anymore. I traded my brother my only rose and the dragon wings I didn’t want from dragon bash for the rucksack. Unfortunately he never got them and they are either gone forever or in some sort of lost mail limbo dancing on the moon. I tried so hard to get that rucksack playing that minigame which was pretty fun. I even got some exotics from the chests but never the backpiece. I sent him a lot of stuff regularly because he doesn’t play much and I am trying to get him more into the game. Anyway Somehow I hope this issue can be resolved. As said by previous posters this problem shouldn’t be an issue, but I feel anet really does not want to make trading a thing and continue to tax us via the BLTP. I love this game and I really don’t want this to be my breaking point.