Showing Posts For Exohydra.5648:
You advertise it openly and expect it to not be crashed? What are people thinking?
I guess it must strike you as odd then that no one from CD and TC was also there to crash it? What were they thinking, not crashing it?
Obviously this was all a masterstroke trap created by FA to ruin the morale of TC and CD so they can get first place.
Don’t worry ranger friends John responded to the fears of the warriors so he might get around to us in 30 or so days.
TC, please stop camping our spawn, it is quite unsportsmanlike. Screenies related.
We were just trying to kill that treb and cata that you guys got into the no siege deploy zone. I’d like to hear about how you did that though.
After those were dead he just threw some cows in the invincible area, which if that counts as spawn camping rather than just wasting time, well I’m not sure what to tell you.