Showing Posts For Eyanthina.6824:

Devonas Rest seeking more guilds to join

in Guilds

Posted by: Eyanthina.6824



If you are guild leader of any size guild, and are considering trying out a new server with your guild mates then please consider Devonas Rest.

DR has been a server that has progressed in strength in a number of months, we have a competitive WvW force but now in the middle tiers are facing some fierce competition, with that in mind however it is nice having a challenge and we are having fun against our current competition.

DR has a community of guilds that work together and many good players interested in WvW. Our DR community of guilds runs combined activities in WvW and we are always interested to welcome other guilds to our server and also guilds on DR to our community.

At present we are struggling as a server to get coverage during late night hours, an Oceanic / Europe or Asia region guild with adequate members would boost our coverage and our servers efforts in terms of WvW progress.

If you are a guild leader interested to find out more about DR then please visit and register on this website or contact us in game

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Eyanthina.6824


In response to the typical flamers or people who just like to stir stuff up for the sake of their amusement, this flaming gets old very fast.

In response to people ripping on Dred, although he spends time on forums a lot and abrasiveness towards others tends to affect his communication he does not do it to cause harm or be malicious. Dred simply wants what all DR wants with respect to us as a server and the several guilds on it to coordinate and work together better, he has difficulty in expressing it because he has an acute understanding of Wv3 and feels strongly about it.

As a pro officer I disagree with trolling forums in general which is why you rarely see me post in these things, but I add on behalf of my entire guild that the face of PRO on borderlands is seldom that which you see on a forum, we have several good leaders who communicate with others respectfully, who can lead by example, who can get positive results and work with many DR guilds and also random players respectively.

Any commander will know that leading in a map can be very stressful when things dont work out or people make a mess of a strategy it can be very frustrating, some of us manage this better than others.

I have seen many viewpoints expressed here but perhaps above all the one I am about to make should be taken more seriously by everyone, Treat others the way you wish to be treated! its as simple as that. I know for my guild we try our best as a majority to treat others on our server and also our enemies with respect, while not all of us might always be this way do not let a few people who might feel stressed out or upset reflect poorly on PRO as a guild overall.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Eyanthina.6824


OK in response to this thread regarding what Dred or Nytemyst posted. PRO is NOT and I REPEAT NOT transferring servers, OUR GUILD IS STAYING ON Devonas. This post by Dred last night was a practical joke or early April fools prank that he felt was going to be amusing. For anyone who has witnessed Dreds forum posting habits you know he is full of hot air most of the time and that he shouldn’t be taken too seriously with many things.

PRO is on DR to stay, and if it wasn’t I would not have spent so much time trying to build an alliance with other DR guilds, don’t take the words of one player to stand for the consensus of our entire guild.

Eyanthina [PRO] Officer!

Protocol Guild from DR is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Eyanthina.6824


Hi Protocol or PRO from DR is seeking skilled, mature players who enjoy World vs. World , while we are recruiting all classes, it is preferable that you have at least 1 level 80 character, and also access to Team-speak and are able to participate in WvW activities a few days per week.

Oceanic / Asia Region players
PRO would also like to recruit players for its WvW late night crew, or players who play on Oceanic / Asia timetables, if you are interested to learn more please visit out webpage.
