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Exploits and bugs in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eyebrows.6852


so, let me understand this properly, the way you’re saying that’s “as intended” is to run into a room and fight the boss as is, because pulling is considered as an exploit? Or are you saying for that boss if you pull a group/mob from a bigger group is considered as an exploit, or you mean at any given time?

Most of the time when you “Pull” a mob/encounter you are doing one of 2 things.

1. Pulling them away from other mobs that are not connected to it so you dont accidentally aggro them too.
2. Pulling the mob to a preferred area to fight (due to preferable terrain, far away from patrols etc.

The “Problem” with Kohler or the Dredge Captain is that the monsters you are pulling them away from are connected to the Lieutenant and Captain respectively.
So you are intended to fight the Ghosts/Dredge with their boss.

Kohler is generally hard enough that the less mobs make the fight manageable but still hard, and at low enough levels, the Dredge captain is easy enough with the extra Dredge (especially if you have excellent AoE), but makes it near mandatory to pull him at higher levels.

(edited by Eyebrows.6852)

Exploits and bugs in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eyebrows.6852


They sometimes bug out but most of the time they just leash and teleport to you on the other side.

Exploits and bugs in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eyebrows.6852


The literal definition of exploit is to use a bug or glitch and gain something from it.
Generally the small exploits (one which the gain is rather negligible) are just overlooked by ANet/Blizz etc because usually the cost of fixing the bug/glitch is not worth the severity of the exploit. (I am not saying that ANet will not fix any of the “exploits” because I can think of some possible very easy solutions to most of them)

So far, most of the exploits in this game is rather tame (in fractals specifically) and the gain is rather minimal, with most just saving time, with some making the encounter exponentially easier, with nearly all being just oversights with coding/map planning some just being bugs.

A list of exploits that I have found not on previous lists and possible (not obvious) “fixes” to ones that are.

  • Ascalon – The jump could be fixed by just adding to the walls by making an invisible wall about 150-200 longer than the visible wall and making it maybe 2k-3k high.
  • Asura – First is I’ve heard that an Engineer after the Poison boss can have the group stand in the right place and place a healing turret and boost the group up to the top. (Havent seen this take place but I’ve noticed people talking about it.) (Cant think of an easy way to “Fix” this)
  • Asura again – Being a mesmer I know most of the reflectable projectiles during bosses. On the final boss, the agony inflicting projectile can be Mimic’d and sent to one of the golems for full powered agony on the golems. (While the risk of using this is kinda high (you have to get hit by 1 projectile and a few ticks of agony) the rewards are extremely high.) Fixing this is just as easy as giving those golems the “Normal” boss’s agony duration reduction. While I believe that the risk of exploiting this is high enough, it still can make the encounter easier when done correctly thus being an exploit. (And yes the agony scales to the tier)
  • Dredge – So you can actually get into the cage 3 ways. The intended way, The extremely known exploit way (which can be “Fixed” by adding a little invisible wall), and the Thieves/Mesmers/anyone with a teleport spell just blinking through the gate that you open at the end. I have not done so myself, but had a thief do so and me going the “Wrong Way” out because of Mes Downed 2 (But those teleport spells generally cause a lot of problems by themselves).
  • Colossus – First boss can be easily changed by changing the trigger of the cinematic being within 2k range radius rather than ~1580. And I’m certain you guys have found the solution for the final boss.

This is my thoughts being a Programmer myself, and dont know the viability of any of the “Fixes” that I suggested. They are just the first places where I would look for a “Fix”.

AC Graveling Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eyebrows.6852


So, I was doing Path 3 of AC as a Mesmer, and noticed that I had more than 3 illusions. (and I didnt press shatter)

Upon closer inspection I noticed that I had some Graveling Hatchlings as “Minions”. They were attacking other gravelings and burrows so they were allied to me and had my guild tag.

This occurred during both the Lover’s Crypt event and during the final boss Colossus Rumbler (when we aggroed many breeders).
In the Lover’s Crypt I am not certain if the hatchlings came from a breeder or a burrow (but they were right next to a burrow), during the Final Boss, they were from Breeders.
I was also using Staff/GS during Lover’s Crypt and Staff/Sword/Focus during the Final Boss so I’m not sure which weapon spawned the gravelings.

Also, because I was too involved in the events, I didnt think to get a screen shot.

If I had to guess, I would say it happened because the hatchlings spawned at the same time as my illusions and for some reason was put under my control.
I didnt notice that I lost control over my illusions so they didnt “Swap Masters” so to speak, I just gained extra control over gravelings.

Jade Quarry
Me 80 Mes
Other ~67 Mes (Noone noticed if he had control over gravelings)
80 Guard, Guard, War