Showing Posts For FTJ.7610:

Opinions on my mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FTJ.7610


Hi, so I’ve been working on the appearance of my Charr mesmer a bit, its been a real pain trying to get some light armour what actually fits the Charr and looks nice (I even bought a makeover kit to change gender haha!). If you guys can give me your opinions on her, dye combinations etc, please do it, would be appreciated! I also bought a brand new greatsword skin, its the Sclerite greatsword skin, I thought it suited my character well, the only thing is, it was a hefty 85.5 gold >.<.

So, whats your guys opinions on my mesmer, looks wise, do I need to change the dye? Is it good how it is? Feel free to give me any opinions, thanks.


a LFG System would be awesome?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FTJ.7610


Hi, so i was really thinking that a new LFG (Looking for group) system would be awesome for people wanting to do a lot of dungeons…what i mean is a new system what every character can access to enter a dungeon and instantly queue up and then GW2 servers match people up. Kind of like WoW (World of warcraft) LFG system, it really made looking for dungeons a breeze and i think it would be a great addition to GW2, not to copy WoW but just to make it easy to get into dungeons..i understand we have a website called but it just isnt enough compared to an inbuilt LFG system which would spread across every world in your selected region. Im not sure if there’s been other posts about this but feel free to post opinions.