Showing Posts For Fabled Sheep.4725:

TPvP - Ranger's Only Guild

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

I’m not that great but I’d love to join and I’d be willing to learn and try new stuff, and hopefully end up being a help.

When will free server Xfer will stop?

in WvW

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

So, what about all the other players who don’t play WvW, but just want to transfer servers to be with their friends, a guild they found on the forums, or because they just don’t like their server? They’re not allowed to transfer now because WvW players also transfer? You can’t punish everyone because some people are dishonourable. It’s like removing WvW from the game because there are some people who exploit bugs in it.

And saying that you moved servers because other people moved makes you just as bad as the people you claim to dislike, and it makes you a hypocrite.

I want glowing and dye-able weapons

in Sylvari

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

You should have a look at the ghostly weapon skins that you can get from the AC rewards vendor, they might go along with your armour scheme. :)

Condition Assassin (Bleed Stacking BM Build)

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

We actually have quite a few options for an immobilize. Muddy Terrain is our first and arguably the best option. Un-traited, it gives us a 2.5 second immobilize, with a large area and the added affect of crippling. If you don’t want to give up the utility slot, then I recommend switching your Jaguar pet out for a spider. Spiders have an immobilize in their usable abilities, and the Jungle Spider even has an immobilize as its F2 ability. It does sacrifice your back-up feline, but if you open a fight with spider, use its immobilize, and then switch to your Lynx, then you can also get the 2 seconds of swiftness from Zephyr’s Speed, and then unload your shortbow into your immobilized target with quickness, as well as your Lynx’s F2 to stack bleeds nice and quick.

At any rate, it’s a really interesting build and I intend to try it out. I love playing different condition builds, but all the ones I’ve tried are reliant on either traps or having a torch offhand, so it should be fun. :)

Opening Strikes fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

It’s the little things in life that can make you happy. This is the kind of thing I like to see; gradually working out the bugs without making a huge fuss about it. Thanks, ANet. :)

Played Ranger. Feel lost. Don't play much now

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

I had the same problem when I was new. But, I found a lot of it was easy to pick up as I went. It introduced things to me gradually that I was able to figure out on my own; level 2 I figured out the weapons, level 5 I started to figure out the utilities as well, and then level 10 you start getting trait points, etc. Honestly though, just do the quests, work on the tasks/map completions, and you will pick up the little things really quickly.

The pets F2 is unique to each pet, along with three other skills they use at their own discretion. Once you have charmed more juvenile pets apart from your starter, you can change them freely in your pet window with “k”. You can also assign yourself two active pets that you can switch around with F4 freely in battle, which changes the F2 skill depending on what the pet is.

With your conditions, you have the three main damaging ones; poison, burn, and bleeding. Poison does average damage, but has the benefit of reducing the power of the afflicted target’s healing abilities. Burn is a very powerful one that does a lot of damage straight up. Bleeding is stackable (you can get up to 25 stacks) and does more damage with subsequent stacks. The shortbow’s 1 will apply one stack of bleeding on each hit if it’s from the side or behind, and the spike trap applies 3 or 5 stacks. (I don’t remember which right now lol) The spike trap does cripple as well, which lowers the target’s movement speed, so it can be handy. Basically, flame trap does more outright damage, and it’s usually my first choice for a trap on almost any of my ranger builds. Spike trap is useful if you want the cripple, or you’re working on stacking a lot of bleeding, since higher stacks do more damage than burn, but also take more dedication to get the stacks up in battle.

This game is a lot about experimenting though, and I think that’s what ANet intended; you find the things that you like, instead of them trying to tell you how to play your ranger. If you do have any questions, feel free to message me in game. If you’re uncertain about something that’s popped up, just ask a quick question in the /map chat, and someone will probably help you out.

Never hated or ever felt useless...until now

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

Despite what others have said, the ranger /does/ get better. I struggled so much with my first run on AC with my level 30 ranger. But as others have said, it’s about adaptability. Be prepared to switch to the sword or greatsword for the burrows, be willing to adapt your pets (ranged pets are generally better), and freely adapt your utility and elite skills for each fight.

In AC path 3 in the lover’s room, for example, I’ll swap to my sword/torch, with Signet of Renewal, two traps of choice, and my brown bear pet. I’ll melee the burrows down, use the AOE fields from my torch and traps to weaken all the gravelings while I do so, and use the Signet of Renewal and my brown bear’s F2 to frequently cure me of the bleeding that those graveling’s stack, which helps survivability a lot.

A nice DPS pet that I would suggest as well that’s outside of the ranged pets (spiders and devourers) would be the jaguar. Felines are a great DPS pet, but the jaguar’s F2 skill is a 6 second stealth, which isn’t interrupted by it dealing damage like normal stealth. It’s great for keeping it alive when it starts to get focused, and your enemy is forced to target something else, and that 6 second stealth helps stall out the cooldown on your heal ability, to keep the jaguar fully healed.

Legendary Greatsword... Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

Getting a legendary GS for your Ranger would be awesome. /bow to you if you decide to go down that long road, and then achieve it.

How have you allocated your trait points?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

I usually run 20/25/20/0/5 or 20/25/20/5/0 in PvE and WvW. Gives me all the useful traits for my shortbow condition build, while giving me a bit of extra damage and survivability. In sPvP I’m experimenting a bit right now, but going for a precision/condition build with 10/25/30/0/5. Empathic Bond is an amazing Grandmaster ability IMO, and the quickness you get from the 5 points in Beastmastery is incredibly useful.

Your positive experiences with your ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

So I’m a newer player to GW2, and recently got my first toon to level 80; my Sylvari ranger. I’ve been having a lot of fun with it, despite what other people say about the class. There have been moments where I’ve thought “why can’t I get those high numbers like that warrior over there :(”, but I’ve never been upset with my ranger, and I really love the versatility of her, as well as my cute pets :3 I play WvW often with my guild, and I don’t do that badly, considering I don’t have great gear. I also started playing sPvP for the first time the other night, and I didn’t get slaughtered and massacred like many people would have you believe, and managed to win a few 1v1s, and I wasn’t just dying constantly.

I really don’t like how many of the posts/threads here are negative, so I wanted to make a more positive thread where we can all just share some nice things we’ve done with our ranger in PvE, sPvP, or WvW. One of my best moments so far would be when I managed to hold off a D/D elementalist and an engineer in sPvP long enough for a Guardian to show up and help me take them both down. It was an awesome feeling ahah.

P.S. please no “lol rangers suck”

(edited by Fabled Sheep.4725)

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

Why would we care who gets second? We want first and we do what we can to make sure that happens. Sometimes that will roll Yak way sometimes FA, but helping either of you get second? Why would we, what’s in it for us? You’re both the enemy.

So much this. Also, have you noticed its always TC teaming up with another server? Its never TC being teamed up against. I wonder why…

It’s because we don’t cry wolf every time that we see both of our enemies on the screen at the same time, unlike the unfortunate few from the other servers.

Off-hand Axe

in Ranger

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

Personally, the horn or torch just has much more use and utility compared to a dagger or axe offhand. Horn gives great buffs to yourself and your pet, and the Torch has the burning, which is useful for the condition builds running around that don’t want to use traps. I feel like the dagger and axe have some nice abilities that work on paper, but don’t really fit in well, and I just don’t see myself using them over the horn and torch.

Repair bills are not encouraging WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

Many games have a system in PvP where you will lose a majority of the gear you have on you to the person who killed you, so be grateful that it’s not as simple as a Warrior ganking you, getting a 20k crit, and then taking all of your hard-earned exotics.

11/30 - TC, FA & YB

in WvW

Posted by: Fabled Sheep.4725

Fabled Sheep.4725

Why have [GODS] transferred to TC? Also, is anyone able to post a score+map, please?