Showing Posts For Faid.6128:

Guild of the Year

in WvW

Posted by: Faid.6128


So many great guilds we’ve fought in the past year. From a PPT standpoint, the two guilds that always made me feel like we would have a real fight on our hands are SF and TW. SF thieves in particular really ruin my day!

Honorable mention to Choo, EMP, and HB – all guilds that forced us to adapt to their tactics.

From an ally standpoint, can’t beat MERC

Axis Of Insurrection Alliance

Why is JQ and SoR playing dead?

in WvW

Posted by: Faid.6128


Why is JQ and SoR playing dead? I mean, JQ was doing well for the first few days, then I hear SoS was bought by BG. SoR didn’t cooperate after a few days. Why is this happening?

Simple. JQ was given an easy matchup. Before I explain, its worthy to take note that JQ has a massive pve pop. Now, because of the easy matchup JQ was given all these “pve kids” jumped into WvW to join the never ending karma train and get easy achievement points. Thats all WvW was on jq for the past month. 5 hr queue’s and karma train. Now in the latest matchup we’re fighting bg. When fighting bg, there is no karma train. You actually have to defend stuff!!! Not just flip sm whenever you feel like it. So, with the karma train gone, all the pve players went back to pve. We’ve lost out blob. Yes, im on JQ. The queue for eb atm is either hotjoin or 10 mins max. Contrasts to the past few weeks where its been 3 hrs minimum.

JQ blob = Pve players. Pve players karma train. BG = a need to defend stuff. Defending = no loot or karma. Pve players go back to frost forge.

PS: to add salt to the injury bg has been buying/renting guilds left right and center. At one point, they bribed an sos guild so focus us. Not that im complaining, there are no rules in war.

+1 to this poster for an actual well thought out analysis of what JQ has been facing the last few weeks.

-10 for the buying guilds left right and center comment. While its true a well known Russian guild did transfer in and upset the power balance by papering most keeps and towers every night and thus making the EU and NA jobs much tougher, they have repeatedly stated they were not bought to come over. Sure, there’s a ton of forum posts talking about how BG bought all these guilds, but funny how nobody can name them. As a BG member for 7-8 months, I can think of only one other guild (COIN) that has come over that has significantly impacted WvW in the NA timezone at least, and that was weeks before leagues started. That’s not to short sell smaller guilds that have arrived who contribute just as much, but the major WvW guilds in my opinion are all native or long time BG guilds, and that clearly negates the viability of buying guilds to win claims.

I get it, we’ve all been on the receiving end of logging on to find all those T3 keeps we
built are gone. Its frustrating and easy to look for explanations like our opponent must have bought their way to victory, but that is both shortsighted and ignorant. It is also ignorant to make an accusation that an SOS guild was bribed to attack you when in fact that guild had just transferred off your server and the night previously had targeted BG and posted on the forums how they were handing off newly captured keeps to JQ.

I don’t think you were trolling, but I don’t think you have your facts correct either.

Axis Of Insurrection Alliance

Grats to SoR on their 1st Gold medal in T1

in WvW

Posted by: Faid.6128


Grats to you SOR. I always had a lot of good impressions of you in the field way back in the fall when SOS fought you for a couple of weeks. Youve been tenacious in T1 and you certainly kicked everybody’s teeth in on the field this week. Well done.

Especially impressed with TW. You guys seemed to have a counter to every fight I was a part of this week. Now stop that, I’d like to not die quite as much this coming week.

Axis Of Insurrection Alliance

UPDATED: [EMP] - Emperium & [RE]-Red Essence?

in WvW

Posted by: Faid.6128


Respect to you guys EMP. In my opinion youre one of the best guilds defending an objective in the game. While I will miss fighting you, you have to do what’s best for the guild.

Axis Of Insurrection Alliance

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Faid.6128


I’m not an officer, but I can absolutely say with confidence that no guild in the AoI alliance on Blackgate condones this griefing and we would not want to win a game if this was a contributing factor. There is no honor in this person’s actions and it is not in line with how we play the game.

In ATac I can tell you we have the utmost respect for our opponents on JQ, having fought them hard for months on Sea of Sorrows. I am certain if it happens again you can contact us and we will come into your keep to clear the siege for you and then leave peacefully, so long as you buy us drinks after.

Axis Of Insurrection Alliance

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Faid.6128


Shout out to EMP and our old foes Strike Force. You guys had us chasing our tails for a while there on JQ BL last night. Good fights, classy opponents.

Keep it positive you forum warriors.

Axis Of Insurrection Alliance