Showing Posts For Fallen Aeons.7650:

(PvE) Hopping / Signet of Inspiration dead

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

All of my support. This is stupid. More than stupid. You’ve single handily removed the use of chrono in general for 10 man runs with this update anet in ‘the top 1%’ for the raid community. Thanks for this.

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[NA][ROID] Roid Raids - Top Tier Raid Groups

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Very good guild to be in. Lot of nice happy members, who are very effecient. Congrats to all the new trials passing their VG and Gor kills. 75 members and growing.

A reminder we’re no longer accepting applications or doing trials after 100 members.

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Hardcore daily raider lf raiding guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

[ROID] is a high end raid guild that runs with the best of the best, and expects nothing else from the trials that come into the guild. You’re more than welcome to put an application on our website. Just note that we currently have 10-15 people still pending trial, and we’ll have to get to your trial in the quickest order possible.

If you’d like more information about the guild, we are a 60+ member and growing guild with a very rough intro-trial to the guild. You’re expected to be able to perform perfect and given the severity of the trial, you can expect that from the people running with you as well. We currently have multiple “eternal title” holders that have gotten it with [ROID] only groups even.

If you’re interested;

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[NA][ROID] Roid Raids - Top Tier Raid Groups

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Helpful bump. 60+ members and growing.

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[NA][ROID] Roid Raids - Top Tier Raid Groups

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Very strong guild. Happy to be a part of it. Congrats to all the recent Eternal titles. Glad to see this guild growing as fast as it is.

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[IX] Coldsnap: Elite PvE Guild [Blackgate]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

bumpy bumpy. open over a month now, still going strong. Love this guild. ^^

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[IX] Coldsnap: Elite PvE Guild [Blackgate]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

More fun from coldsnap! XD

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[IX] Coldsnap: Elite PvE Guild [Blackgate]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

A nice past 48 hours. Loads of trials, only a few accepted. Still looking for great players to join our community! Come make some money and learn some speed tactics from us :)

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[IX] Coldsnap: Elite PvE Guild [Blackgate]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

bumpppp. guild is growing nicely. Already 40+ registered members on the forums!

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[IX] Coldsnap: Elite PvE Guild [Blackgate]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

I’ve never heard of this “slow running dungeons” thing. Guess that’s the good thing about being in IX :O

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[IX] Coldsnap: Elite PvE Guild [Blackgate]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Forums look great, and the community is starting to pick up! Love it in Coldsnap

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

[IX] Coldsnap: Elite PvE Guild [Blackgate]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Coldsnap has been a very very quick growing elite guild. I love running with IX, the community is great, always laughs in TS while keeping things serious when needed. Expect casual, yet fast speed runs with this guild

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Rata Sum Idea Incubation Lab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Please fix this, or i’ll find other ways of getting it

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Error when converting to gems.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Trying to convert gold>gems and i’m getting an unusual script error. I’ve tried logging out, restarting my computer, clearing my catch, etc.

error message is;

{"error" z “invalid data”}

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Every dungeon path livestream! Giveaways!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

We are going to be streaming with the next hour every dungeon, and every path. All of the money made will be given away with random contests and questions at the end to viewers.

4/5 are dungeon masters, and we all run every dungeon quite a bit. Come join in on the excitement!

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Devona’s Rest uncontested.

- Black Rôse

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy unbanned

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Perm banned with 7 legendarys and over 2.5k hours. All because i got stuck in the map..

Devona’s Rest.

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

AC path 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Due to quite a few requests from friends and responses to our previous duo on AC path 1, Adiz and I decided to have some fun and duo AC path 2. This was a lot of fun, and we intend on duo’ing every dungeon possible<3



Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Black Rôse
Profession: Mesmer
Traited: Glass cannon with all reflect traits
Experience: Dungeon master
Time: Almost anytime i’m on.
Other: Have 6 legendarys, very bored with the game, but like to challenge myself with smaller and smaller arah groups every day

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Ascalonian Catacombs path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Would love to watch, but blocked in Germany because of music used I suppose.

That’s odd, haven’t seen that issue before.

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Ascalonian Catacombs path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

After patch, a friend and I decided to duo AC path 1 because people were complaining about how “difficult” it was with the new cc that gravlings had at the burrows, the howling king, etc. We had a blast with this, and did it with very little difficulty Please like/comment <3

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Mesmer / Ele Twilight Arbor

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

A friend and I decided to go through a duo all possible dungeons. We had a blast doing twilight arbor, up path, and currently have an ac path 1 after patch rendering! Please like/comment<33

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Twilight Arbor up path duo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Nice played, i can see you both had pretty great time there too:) did you move the minimap btw? I’ve played quite a while but never knew one can do that

Thanks, we loved every bit of it!
Also, just hover over the right side of the map in any grey area until you see a hand, then you can hold and drag it

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Twilight Arbor up path duo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

This was a very fun adventure, and we had a blast doing this!
Sorry that the quality isn’t any higher than 480, can’t seem to get fraps to record 720
Anywaysssss, enjoy!

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

With over 2200 hours of my life wasted, and an attachment to a character unlike any before, here is my main character, Black Rôse.

Have off-hand bolt as well :>


Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Transmuting Legendarys

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Quick question regarding my legendarys. I’m nearing my 4th legendary now, and was wondering if transmuting them removes their status as a legendary. I really want power precision crit, seeing as i’m full glass cannon, and that’s the only class i ever play. If transmuted, will the stats being increased upon release of the “stat advanced legendarys”

Just need someone to confirm with a dev response to this, or their insight on it. Thanks

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Bolt and Eternity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

The overbearing question of when the patch is going to be made to eternity comes into conversation everyday. They visual updates need fixed please. Having no sword trail is a bit depressing.

Also, a suggestion towards Bolt. Please make the footsteps larger as like twilight and sunrise. So few people recognize it when i’m using it, and it’s a bit depressing seeing as it’s one of the best legendaries you’ve got in the game right now, in my opinion. Please just increase the particle trail on it, and i’ll be very happy along with many other bolt owners :>

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Tips for Simin, High Priestess of Dwayna

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Tried it with every method on there, even the 4-1 method. AN just needs to fix their game so we don’t spend time trying to find ways around their mistakes.

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

A topic for the developers.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

After spending COUNTLESS hours in arah path 4, only to find out you guys STILL haven’t fixed Dwayna, i’ve lost 10000000000000000% respect for you. Fix your fkinggame, or you’re going to lose players fast. Seriously, stop hiring people on craigslist, and get real developers to run the game, or you’re going to end up like every other MMO out there that is depleting due to the horrendous content editors.
Want details, as if you haven’t heard what the problem is already; She heals at 50%, no matter how fast you lure the sparks, and CONTINUOUSLY does it over and over again. No matter how fast, or how good your dps is. I enjoy gw2, but i don’t enjoy spending hours achieving nothing but psd off feelings towards a company i used to respect.

-Black Rôse.

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

Temple of Balthazar, reset time

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

Just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes the TOB to reset after you’ve beaten it. I’m 17 skillpoints off my legendary and enjoy doing it for leveling. Please/thankyou. ^^

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate

AC Path 2, still glitched...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fallen Aeons.7650

Fallen Aeons.7650

A simple npc scripting that could be fixed in minutes. Fix it please. Detha is getting stuck at the turrets and following everyone like a moron. Typical Magg issue.

Rôse/ Elitist Mesmer/ Coldsnap[IX]/ Blackgate