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Does Warrior need a nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: False Saint.6835

False Saint.6835

So I rolled a warrior…and if I pop rampage

Warrior ability with Ranger Elite = win!!!!!!!!

Seriously, new to GW2 and while ‘feel for sPvP’ is fine to comment on as a new player, I’m not sure you understand how to take down a Mesmer (tells/signs/identify spec based on weapons/clone production v phantasm production/utilities used).

I’m actually more surprised the Mesmer didn’t kill you in 2 minutes as a survivability spec’d Warrior (probably Mesmer was playing for point holding).

Well that could very well be the case. As I said I’m new, and I’m not familiar with the Mesmer class. Since Warrior is the only class I have played. Can’t really ID something I’m unfamiliar with. But I’m also not sure if you read my post, or just skimmed. As I did say there was two of us against the mesmer, (I don’t know who the other guy was, so can’t really say anything about his experience), and it wasn’t until a third showed up, that we killed her.

Does Warrior need a nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: False Saint.6835

False Saint.6835

Now, I’ll admit that I am a noob when it comes to Guild Wars. I started playing the first monday of the free to play week, a couple weeks ago. Some of my friends talked me into trying it. So I rolled a warrior, and got hooked on the game. But with what little PvP I have done, only like rank 6 or 7. I’ll have to agree with Gunthra. My warrior is max str and defense with the last 10 in tactics. Use axe/mace and LB. With this build I just try to keep them still for as long as I can through immobilizing, and knockdowns. There was another guy and me (not sure profession the other guy was) fighting a single mesmer for what seems like a good two minutes until we had another teammate come along, and we were finally able to kill her. She couldn’t kill us, and ever time we got close to killing her she split. One of the friends i mentioned plays a guardian. Sometimes we get set to opposite teams, and have fun smacking each other around. I don’t know his build, I just know he said he’s trying to get the most survivability as he can out of his character. But him and I are pretty evenly matched some times I win, sometimes he does. Depends on how well I can time my attacks, to keep him still, and if I pop rampage or not, (at least from my perspective of how the fights go, his may be different.) I can also remember a few fights against engineer’s that were rough for me.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, that it just seems like it’s all in the build as for as PvP goes. One build doesn’t rule them all, and other classes can get the best of me pretty easily.

(edited by False Saint.6835)