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[STUN] Standing United on TC

in Looking for...

Posted by: Famine.6548


STUN is now recruiting WvW focused players on Tarnished Coast. We took a massive hit during Season 3 as a lot of members suddenly quit playing the game. We raid 5 nights a week from 5-8pm PST with Fridays+Sundays being off nights. Rep is only required during raiding and if you are online attendance to our raid is expected. If you are at interested or have questions, plz contact me.

[HOPE] - FA - Hardcore WvW and GvG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Famine.6548


Had the pleasure of commanding a very competitive back and forward scrimmage GvG against these guys when I was in [RE]. Their movement is very tight and coordinated and their melee was impressive. If your still on FA or planning on moving there, I would recommend them as your first application.

-[STUN]Fading Justice

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Famine.6548


Ark Vs Zn 15v15 (Scrim)

Thx for the fun Zn, much better than mega blobs and skill lag.

Looking good Ark. I’m excited for the challenge.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Famine.6548


Lol did you really try to say you guys won that? Famine said “five rounds”. You guys took the first two, kudos. Then HOPE took the next two and we Famine said “we have to settle this to avoid a tie” because we were about to walk away because of the clkitten play from RE. We stayed though and HOPE won the next one.

You guys wanted to keep going to get more experience which was fine and all, but the next two rounds, kudos to TC’s fun loving pugs, weren’t exactly 20v20. Hey, kitten happens. So we go again and HOPE wins again.

I never said anything, but since you’re trying to call someone out here, I’ll take my turn too. The GvG with RE though unofficial, was the most clkitten play and waste of time we’ve done with any guild. From the 20 minute waits between rounds where RE members rage quit and you had to find replacements, to your fellow guildies hard downing my guys after they went over to you to clear any stacks they had every single time we beat you, to you guys coming over to recount HOPE’s numbers and taking your sweet time to check out our comp (wouldn’t care but this was in between rounds and we just wanted to fight), the respect my guild has for that GvG is pretty much non existent.

Now we all know guilds have bad nights, so I haven’t mentioned anything about that kitten show of a GvG. But if you guys want to claim you actually beat us in a “best of seven”…… come on bro, especially when you weren’t even there nor have I seen any “video evidence”.

If you guys want to claim you beat us 20v20, then lets do it. Since Mr. Official “4-3” man wants to make it official, why not?

So RE? I see you claim you’ve sent challenges to every guild on that site. Only guild to challenge us this week has been KH, so I must have missed your challenge this week and last. Please send one and you can redeem your guild by doing a GvG with a little class.

So much of this post is ridiculous. Every round, I told you to call time. It wasn’t until the last few rounds that we had any delay what so ever. You guys got your panties up in a twist because 2 up levels from guild [LOCO] would run in and die. being lil rally bots for you, which you should of been grateful. So when they came around I gave you the respect of informing you they were here so you could clean them up. We did have one round where a guy rage quit. He was a fill-in because you were so dead set on 20v20. We don’t have many members that are into GvGs and its hard to find 15 people not to mention 20, which I told you. So per YOUR request of us to find fill-ins we had some delays. I am all for official 15v15 but im not going to do an official and have to scrounge for players that have never participated in a GvG. The round total that night was 4-4 in the end. The whole time FA players were trolling us in between rounds. Running over, spamming emotes, putting us in combat, attacking us when we try to res players after the round. Then it looked like HOPE was a little stacked during the round so I tried to do a random player count, where instead of spreading out so I can get my count they all start attacking me and have their players run in from the sideline… so much for that accurate count. Ive never seen so much shinanigans during a GvG before. Was like being in a soap opera.

8/30 Tarnished Coast/Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Famine.6548


Marathon runner here, apparently. RE asking for the bad-mouthing guilds to put their money where their mouth is. We are available for Official GvGs, 15v15. I mean everytime we face each other, I send out official challenges via and no one accepts. I send PMs and in-game mails and either receive no reply or some reason that the guild cannot do an “official” gvg. Then when I see said guild on the forum trying to buff their lil ego’s, its sort of hilarious. We love to fight. Other night I was running a whopping 12 of us after our prime time into a zerg of 30ish [VR], who were so proud of their accomplishment of defeating us they spam laugh after they spent the entire night running from our primetime group that had equal #s. I guess they redeemed their hurt pride.

Crystal Desert/Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood

in Match-ups

Posted by: Famine.6548


Rethesis looking for some GvG action this week. Official 15v15’s and also interested in setting up some practice 20v20s as we are getting some more GvG’ers and need to practice with the greater #s.

-Fading Justice

7/26 BG/SoR/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Famine.6548


I’m so excited to face 2 Tier 1 servers at one time! All the GvG possibilities! So many Big dog GvG guilds on SoR and BG. Mail me if anyone is interested in a GvG with [RE]. Nothing less than 15v15 and up to 20v20. Looking forward to it!

7/19: JQ/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Famine.6548


[RE] Rethesis looking for more GvG action aswell. 15v15 – 20v20 or anywhere in between. I sent a challenge to every guild listed on but apparently people throw their guild on there and forget about it Looking forward to the fight SIC, I know you guys got some skill.
