Showing Posts For Fardarter.5908:

Human Starter Zone is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fardarter.5908


I guess nobody is home

Human Starter Zone is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fardarter.5908


Defending Shaemoor has been bugged for over an hour the story is NOT advancing.

Can hearts reset at some point?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fardarter.5908


At level 80 on the pve side it seems like everyone is in the same few zones camping the same events. It gets so crowded that mobs die in like half a second. Would it be possible for hearts to reset after level 80 just to get people in other zones?

Starting to think I'm not good enough to play this game.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fardarter.5908


I have 1 level 80 and 2 others over 40. In my experience if you are having trouble make a ranger and max out beast mastery. Trait anything that heal your pet including using the regen signet. If you do this you will be able to mow down single enemies, multiple mobs will be tougher but you shouldn’t have too much trouble.

Playing anything melee in this game can get real twitchy in a hurry. Mobs hit really hard. A pet with heals can absorb quite a few hits and keep agro off of you. I would also suggest using a bear to start with in pve.

I am not saying rangers are easier or harder than any other class but I got mine to 80 when the trading post was down so it is very doable just using stuff that drops and spending some karma.

What pets do you use for what purpose?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fardarter.5908


I use 2 cats and constantly swap them for the buff. I have a heavy BM build. I have also done well building up 25 charges of bond. I am not a big pvper as of yet but I can see already that pve pet use will be drastically different from pvp pet use.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fardarter.5908


I reported a guy for botting like a week ago. I have been playing another character since then and have not been in that area lately. Just now I log on my level 80 and what do I see? The same guy in the same place doing the same thing.

Can’t we get some GMs out in the world to do something about this? I know the game is new and there is a ton of work to be done but this type of behavior has a negative impact on the game that effects everyone.

I think a good solution would be to get some Anet characters in game with the ability to drop pianos from 10,000 feet onto botters heads, disconnecting them from the server and barring them from logging back in until they have a darn good explanation for the botting =)