Showing Posts For Fate.8034:

Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fate.8034


EU server, Far Shiverpeaks
Can’t log in.
Error: 42:1020:9001:4103

[Far Shiverpeaks] International PvX [WoTU]

in Guilds

Posted by: Fate.8034


Guild: Whales on Tiny Unicycles [WoTU]
Server: Far Shiverpeaks
Language: English
Location: International

Our Legacy
WoTU was originally formed in 2005, at the very launch of GW1. We were then known as Warlords of The Underworld. WoTU was a dominant force in PvP, specifically in Heroes’ Ascent. Considered as one of the best guilds running balanced builds across the years, WoTU became a feared name to come across.
We plan to continue this legacy in GW2, albeit with an even larger focus on fun and friendship for everyone. We have been healthily growing our community and picking up players from all backgrounds, Battlefield franchise, several MOBA’s and even semi-pro FPS!

With the times changing and our move over to Guild Wars 2 in September, Warlords of the Underworld have set it upon themselves to adapt to the 250 year gulf between the games. The guild became aware that there was no longer an Underworld and that the Guild Name had therefore become null and void, lost in the effigies of Guild Wars lore. A spritely young WoTU-ian has evoked our rising passion in equilibrium and peace, and we fell in love with the name.
Whales on Tiny Unicycles. Quite possibly the coolest name ever. Honestly, when did you last see a whale on a unicycle?

WoTU Culture
We’re as gracious as swans when it comes to riding unicycles. Our members are roughly between 20 and 30 years old, but we accept everybody as long as you are cooler than a cat. Kitten mittens optional.

We don’t have many rules, but common sense is highly encouraged. We enjoy proactive members who can get involved with discussions. Having fun and cracking jokes is encouraged, but try to avoid hurting people’s feelings if they have any; no means no.

In Guild Wars 2, we will focus on everything, simply because the content is mindblowingly awesome! This also allows a place for all the different kinds of jokesters to do their thing.

Suck at PvP? No big deal, play PvE with the other noobs!
Too dumb to grasp the storyline? No problem, own those rp’ers in PvP!
Mediocre at everything? Zerg Castles with our WvW crew!

We have created this culture within the guild because we are very fortunate to have organised our membership within a great WvW alliance with likeminded players – The Northern Assembly [TNA] located on the Far Shiverpeaks Server.

More Information
We have a website as well as a subforum on the Far Shiverpeaks Website and a community TS3/server with enough room for everyone!

We also have a subreddit!

Want to join us? Reply to this thread or send us a PM in-game or on the Far Shiverpeaks Forum!

IGN: Blendi.8563
IGN: Ossa.7482
IGN: Fate.8034

Forum names

Requirements to join:
-Working microphone (Not necessary, but really encouraged)
- Ability to speak English
-Above average intelligence

lack of PvE progression.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fate.8034


Have you gotten 100% map completion?
Have you done all paths and obtained Dungeon Master?

Because Anet does not drip feed players an obvious PvE endgame, you can go ahead and do whatever you want. Get all 8 crafting professions, kill all the dragon lieutenants.

It’s a good thing that PvP excites you because this is personally my ultimate end game. Once I understand all professions in a friendly PvE environment, I feel like I can understand the smaller details of sPvP and WvW (sPvP more importantly. Paid tournaments is such an excitement).

Magic Find?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fate.8034


Sigil is only +0.6% per stack. So +15% at full stacks. Which means you actually have 96% Magic Find.

MF will improve your drops, fairly noticeably, but not enough for it to be a complete turn around. Try and stack more and you will eventually see the returns.

Gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fate.8034


As promised an update I received:

So we can conclude that Arenanet has put restrictions on how much transactions people can make in a certain amount of time. I’ve asked them why they have these restrictions put in place and wether they will eventually be removed. If I receive another update I’ll be sure to let you all know.

I have been having this exact problem with my account I believe, PayPal and my credit cards do not work and no purchase requests have gone through. However, I have never bought gems from Anet before. This is my first purchase and I believe I have been put on their restricted list.

If I have to send a support ticket every time I want to buy gems because I am on this restricted list, I don’t know how thin my patience will wear down to. The amount of time it takes to get a human response from Anet support is already an added anxiety.

What I really don’t understand is why they are restricting accounts, and not the specific transaction being made. PayPal should work for us since these accounts are verified through bank access anyways.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fate.8034


My only issue is that I refuse to spend in-game gold just for more bank space, because the conversion cost is SO high right now, purchasing gems would just make it easier.

Would also mean I can use that in-game gold on what it’s intended for, levelling crafting, buying runes/weapons etc.

A few of my guildies have been able to purchase through credit cards as well as PayPal quite recently, which is what’s annoying me. Yesterday guildie even bought 800 gems to test and it went through instantly.

I’m starting to think this restriction is a lot more widespread as we think, and possibly a broken algorithm, I have already purchased my GW2 digital copy from them with my cards, not to mention it’s the same account I used for GW1 purchases as well (ingame store). And like it’s been mentioned, PayPal shouldn’t even be part of this “restriction”. PayPal accounts verify each account and bank account tied to each one.

To be honest, I can’t really continue playing on my Guardian because of the amount of stuff I need to keep on myself (rare crafting materials, other weapons to swap with, tonics, collecting exotics/rares for the mystic forge, tokens), I’m forced to start with a fresh character and stall my end-game progression, I’m only just going to acquire even more items to be kept.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fate.8034


Well just to update and bump this, I am now in the UK and I’m still unable to purchase gems through any credit card, debit card (failed autorization) and even PayPal (error finalising purchase).

I’ve also noticed other people expressing the same problems where literally every type of transaction is not working for them. However my whole guild has been unaffected.

Support ticket sent. 120922-007064.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fate.8034


I’ve been trying for the last couple of days to actually throw money at this game and yet I was constantly met with card authorization failure. I put this all down to the fact that there were billing issues and TP problems up until just now when the TP returned.

I went digging through the forum (not to mention the FAQ on Support) to find someone who is having a similar problem and received an e-mail from support saying they cannot authorize transactions outside the country the credit card resides. Seriously, if I had known this it would have saved a lot of time. I’m a world traveller and seeing my cards being declined over security measures really annoys me. As far as I’m aware, I set up my account and purchased the digital copy in the UK. I’ll be back in the UK in 2 days and I will try my card from there. I’d rather not use my Qatari account and maybe involve myself in “unsafe transactions” and altogether lock myself out of purchasing gems.

And no offense Arenanet, I didn’t want to bother your support team over my issue because I had a feeling that this was the problem. This type of information would be very handy and possibly relieve your support team of some typing. If my cards don’t work in the UK, then I will definitely file a support ticket.

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fate.8034


Money and time sinks are still part of the MMO universe. However the way you go around and achieve these goals is no longer a grind fest.

Karma? That’s given to you for completing events, not a specific quest in some desert that must be repeated. All events everywhere gives karma, the higher level areas with no hearts will obviously give more.

Commander? I’d rather not allow a “normal” player to have such a title and so 100g is nominal. Not everyone needs it and by gods, 100 people can donate 1g to the guild in order to get a commander for them.

Legendary? Many components for the recipe is given to you for completing the game’s objectives. Exploring the map, dungeons. Items like this will not require “grind” because you have the option to purchase many of the ingredients, and the way you make your money is irrelevant. (you forgot to mention a legendary requires 525k karmer for the Obsidian Shards)

Culture gear? Unless you’re in love with the aesthetics, it is not required for you to purchase level 60 gear just so you can transmute it. rofl.

Need I mention how effortless it was to level up to 80? It felt so fluid and easy I didn’t even pay attention, nor did it feel like I was grinding. Hell, I dinged 80 and didn’t even feel that “accomplished” feeling. Why? Because I enjoyed every level and every map I went.

Please. Leave your preconceived notions at the door. GW2 does have sinks, yes. But it is by far not a grind.

Maybe the problem isn't the trinity, maybe its the dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fate.8034


I’m sorry but I can’t see Anet not being able to create achievable dungeons. These things were tested to the bone.

If you read some posts about it, this is completely similar to any content update that new players cannot figure out mechanics or rotation to get used to the environment. Much like when DoA became available in GW1. When players become more accustomed to survivability, your skill and knowledge of your profession will pull through.

I’ve been doing Twilight Arbor because I absolutely love the heavy armour and I found every path very very hard to do and I felt like things were overpowered. After a week or so I have changed my approach and now have no trouble going through any path.

As a Guardian, I have no trouble being defensive and I initially started by trying to chain block skills in order to “sort of” tank. However I realized there were much better ways to play a Guardian. My only issue is that with my seriously low health pool I must be very careful with what I run into. I’m not going to explain my build now but i’m much happier and my team is also very much happier (and full of boons).

I’m also in the process of teaching my friends who have warriors their capacity for supportive utility as well. Warriors have amazing condition removal as well as healing for the team. Speccing into some defensive traits also means a lot of durability and 25k health, which means he can stand there are look pretty with Hundred Blades for much longer.

tl;dr I think players need to assess their “glass cannon” approach to absolutely everything and stop blaming Anet for making things impossible if they don’t bother to try.

"Autoattack Isn't Fun" or "I Miss DPS Priority System"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fate.8034


I think OP is just above the learning curve and is yet to actively engage challenging mobs on a regular basis. The difficulty does increase a lot especially if you’re not a heavy armour class.

Unless he’s max level already. Then he’s probably on a warrior.

In regards to GW1, builds ultimately depended on your team set up. Each build complimented each other. Not that long after it was realised, 8v8 PvP saw that if players built into specific roles, the whole team would be more effective, which is why you rarely saw warriors with healing skills because it would split up their attributes and limit their damage output/skill usage. It was the same for monks, having 1 healer and 1 prot monk meant higher efficiency as well as not overlapping each others skills and heals.
Also known as synergy.

GW2 on the other hand makes it possible to solo content and at the same time combo everything with everyone, with everybody having some sort of capacity to support their party or allies. It’s up to you as a player to utilise your skills. Yes it’s possible to just auto attack an enemy and just dodge. But this takes ages.

It’s funny really, many people will complain that there aren’t enough skills on weapons and yet right now we’re discussing how some people don’t even use the “few” skills that they have and still want more variety.

Don't get it...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fate.8034


The community that has festered over the last 7 or so years tends to hiss and scream when a bit of alcohol hits them

Seriously though, it’s a case of MMO players who have adopted the worst kind of personality I’ve seen and consistently perceive their personal preferences as important settings that all games must take into account.

GW2’s end game is very different to other MMOs and these toxic (and I will call them toxic because these people are usually the most vocal about it) people will complain about how it is different. And yet all they’ve been asking for is diversity! I saw a post in reddit of someone who was legitimately complaining about dungeons and their “concept”, and he was genuinely confused why a random mob gave him a rare and yet the final boss gave him blue items. The concept of the dungeon tokens and the option to choose your exotic reward was completely looked over. This type of system is exactly why GW2 is so good, you do not grind for the sake of a random drop, everyone is equally rewarded.

I’m actually very interested in how many people act so jaded and still cling on to the older concepts of MMOs. GW2 will never become what it is trying to change. The only thing worth complaining about are the bugs that prevent character progression such as bugged skillpoints preventing map completion, bugged story quests, missing voice overs ruining instances etc etc.

Malchor Leap-Skill Point Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fate.8034


Doesn’t work in Far Shiverpeaks (EU), but since world transfer is still free and very quick, I spent 10 minutes checking the other servers. after 5 of them, I found it to work on Vabbi.

I didn’t want to do it this way but since this was the last thing to do in Malchor’s Leap, my minor OCD told me to get it done now rather than wait.

What should I spend my gold on? (endgame)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fate.8034


Your precious exotics will rack up the worst repair bills ever. Keep a stash for a rainy day, or use the money to facilitate waypointing to all your undiscovered areas.

Buy legendary components/ingredients?