Showing Posts For FawksHR.1367:

Baby's First Super Adventure / fail

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: FawksHR.1367


I was stuck the same way on 26/27, I just entered the first shop in zone 1 and achievement finished.

Least friendly MMO out there?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FawksHR.1367


I concur… For a game that’s supposed to be social it is by far least social game i played. I mean there are players that help with skillpoints and such but that is it. No one speaks except for map chat so they can say some event is about to start… If you don’t have a friend ingame or a chatty and friendly guild, most of the time it will be more like a singleplayer game then a MMOrpg.

My first server was The Ruins of Surmia and I almost didn’t see anyone in game even if it was medium population, now I’m on Aurora Glade and at least there are a bunch of people playing, and speaking in chat it at least feels like a MMO now