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in API Development

Posted by: Feddup.3241


I know ore changes spots least on orr .. does it in every map? would the api allow you to have ore show overlay-ed ? i dont know much bout api or any programing anymore..

WvW zerg

in Ranger

Posted by: Feddup.3241


just came back I had a hard time find a build i liked i didnt care for glass cannon still dont so i run the “RRR” by Faux i love this build even tho the pet dmg is got reduced its very fun for me. So I am now looking for a zerg build even tho i hate zerging but hate glass cannon i love the healing stuff. any tips ?

Faux's "RRR" Build - Videos

in Ranger

Posted by: Feddup.3241


I use this build still even tho the pet dmg is reduced I wish i came back to the game before hand im still having fun tho. I pretty much can 1v1 anyone my only problem is 2v1 i can get one down but cant spike them in time. Im using the Dwayna runes settler weaps and accessory. Crafted apth gear. Basicly is there any tips peope can give me? should i change the runes? weapon sigils? I did try the boon build i just couldnt keep up with casting guard and attacking =\ .

thank you.