Showing Posts For Felix Carter.4672:

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

Legendary Demon Stance didn’t need to be so drastically changed. It now no longer seems “corrupting” and interesting.

A simple solution would be to disable the ability of Allies to cure conditions from you while in Legendary Demon Stance. Whenever a condition would be removed, instead provide a boon like Resistance.

Personal Story Journal and Part VII Reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

As far as I can tell, I’m the only one to have the glitch. I realize this makes me a minority, and that means this probably won’t be addressed. But here’s hoping?

My Personal Story skipped The Cost of Victory plot arc during Part VII — Forming the Pact. I was able to complete everything else up to and past Victory or Death, but the Journal is still stuck on the beginning of Part VII. This also means I do not get the 10AP reward for The Cost of Victory.

Once again, I know this is probably going to be ignored, but I figured I post it here anyways.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

They’re currently discussing whether or not it’s a problem.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

Story Jump (Deja Vu)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

Pretty odd bug, and looking back on it now I’m not even sure when it happened. I believe it was after Part VII — Forming the Pact. Once completed, Marshal Trahearne had me meet him on the airship docks several times. During this time, I completed Against the Corruption -> Romke’s Final Voyage -> The Source of Orr. After completion of The Source of Orr, my personal story took me to Temple of the Forgotten God.

At the time, I thought the story was a little jumbled but didn’t think much of it for one reason or another, but now that I’ve completed the Whispers’ Plan of Stealing Light -> Conscript the Dead Ships -> Ships of the Line, I’m now back at Against the Corruption.

It’s like a weird time warp where my character got to see the future. Except I got to keep all the story rewards. :P

The good news to this is I now get a chance to choose Cathedral of Silence instead of Romke’s Final Voyage. I also get the story rewards twice for this small segment.

The bad news is my Personal Story Journal is stuck on Part VII — Forming the Pact: Forging the Pact.

(edited by Felix Carter.4672)

Kodan Playable Race?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

Skritt wouldn’t make much sense as playable though, due to their hive-mind. Taken out of their society they’d be barely smart enough to hold a club in their hand.

EXACTLY! Now you’re getting it!

As it is, I already throw back a skritt tonic and run around in LA nonsensically screaming “SKRITT, ATTACK!” and “MORE COME, YES?”

Their racial elites would also be super OP…like [Find Rock], with the amazing follow up [Throw Rock].

I pressed the upvote button several times. Only to find out I was merely toggling it.


I’m hit.

Where's all the content?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

Speculation Ahead:

I think the original idea was to make a “Season III” of Living World, but the Dev team decided to take a bit further, roll it all up into one package, shove more stuff inside, and call it an expansion.

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Still not buying the expansion.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

This op is OP. 0/10. Sounds like a l2b issue ( learn to buy). GG and QQ… I’ll be honest I have no idea what I’m talking about….

In the end, do any of us really know what we’re talking about?

OP: Sorry I smashed you in the face repeatedly with my arrows. Come back and I’ll let you take on my pet 1v1 instead. Promise.

Guild Chat bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

OMG! It’s fixed! I was in disbelief when I saw yellow text in my guild chat. I thought I had broke the game (or fixed it, I guess?) somehow lol. I even logged out and back in several times just to see if it was a fluke.

Thank you, Devs, for fixing this issue. I realize a lot of people might have said some very bad things out of frustration, but hopefully this will be put behind us. It’s so nice to be able to talk to my friends and Guild community again. I feel like I just got something rare unlocked on my game. XD

Guild Chat bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

ANet won’t waste their time responding to this or glitches like this. These things are considered small and those affected are a minority. If this ever does get resolved, it’ll be after HoT and when they have addressed literally every other glitch caused by the HoT update and future updates. Until then, you are S.O.L. if you have this problem.

That’s just the way these things work. Until then, i recommend sending a bug report every day concerning the issue. Maybe at some point they’ll task one person with posting a response here saying they’ll work on it, if only to shut you up.