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Meet us at the top Darkhaven... If you Dare

in WvW

Posted by: Fenadorm.3240


Yeah it was a ton of fun, but you are going to have to chase us a couple more weeks it looks like. The match up we have now looks like its going to be a blow out for us so we will be moving up to T2. then again it is only day one so anything could happen.

Meet us at the top Darkhaven... If you Dare

in WvW

Posted by: Fenadorm.3240


Hey there all of you Darkhaven. This is a formal challenge to all of you to meet SoR at the top for a rematch.

As I was playing in WvW and throwing yet another flag into a downed enemy. I could not help but think back on the last time SoR faced you all and how a awesome matchup it was . No other single server, at least in my opinon, challenged us more then you all did. Yes, we did have a good close week vs Yak’s and NSP, but as far as one server you guys were the best.

For those of you reading this and are new to both servers that missed out on our frist meeting let me give you a little overview. DH was red SOR blue and i dont even recall who was green. Right from the get go DH was in control. You guys hammered us hard an took a good lead going into the week. My guild and our server as whole, night after night chipped away at your lead, but come day when I woke the world was red. Your early day/ mid day crew would run the table on us. My self and the rest of my guild would curse your names. As we looked at all our hard work gone again.

Then came the night that changed it all. Green had SM and we both inside on the inner gates. You guys at the NW us at the NE, it was a race to see who could get in frist. We got in and hurried to take the lord down. We were able to change SM to our side and I claimed it for my guild ASP. Seconds later you all busted thru the gate, but with the buff on him you guys were no match. Your bodies were all over the floor, but that didnt stop you one bit. You were trebing within secs and the outer wall went down and stayed down for almost the rest of the night. Hours went by we were fighting you tooth and nail trying to keep you out of SM. Trying the best we could to get those upgrades up. I can’t tell you how many times you cut off our supplies to castle, very pro moves from you guys. Finally about 1am, i guess enough of you had gone to bed and we were able to take the rest of EB from you guys and green. At 3 i went to bed with our skull banner on the SM walls and the whole map coverd in blue. When i woke up I saw your mid day crew had taken some of it back, but we had done enough to hold you back and take the lead. We later won that week, but i will never forget that night of long hard battle with you guys.

Since then SoR have rocket up the list every week and we have gained a number of new players. Still when i look i see DH right behind us and look forward to playing you guys in a rematch. For both servers new and old players get ready for when we do play it going to be a great week and lord help the 3rd server that gets in the way.

See you all out there.