Showing Posts For Fengshua.9085:

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fengshua.9085


As far as multi- boxing being allowed, according to this thread it is not.

I suppose anyone admitting to multi-boxing in the forums should be reported?

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fengshua.9085


Well I was saying only captchas for someone reported as being a bot by multiple people then only that person or bot gets the captcha not everyone. It could be automated since I mean players are really the best defense against bots since we are everywhere.

To you, juiceman and others calling for the implementation of captchas. There have been automated captcha solutions you can purchase through Google for years.

You send the copy of the image of the captchas to a company in Russia, they read it, send back the code and this is then entered in the required field. All of this is easily automated. I’ve seen them work.

Captchas are not a line of defence against anything.

What you will do by using them is really really annoy people. People hate captchas in the more mundane areas of their life. Let alone while interacting with a game.

Anyway, the whole captcha argument is totally invalid as automated captcha solutions have existed for years.

If you’re having trouble believing this, Google “Antigate Captcha” and be prepared for some sobering edumacation.

It’s a totally flawed premise.

Well….c**p. Thanks for the enlightenment RoninsBack. Guess live GM’s are the only way to go then. I guess wherever there is money to made….someone will fill that niche.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fengshua.9085


Unfortunately, the people that bot have absolutely no problem wasting CS’s time or anyone else’s. The fact that they bot at all means they have absolutely no moral or ethical qualms about the negative impact of what they are doing, and this quite probably extends beyond their gaming pastimes.

Some people simply do not care if they negatively affect others as long as they ‘get theirs’.

Sigh….I’m gonna go yell at those kids to get off my lawn now

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fengshua.9085


The captchas would have to be on a timer though… can’t have 2 people spamming captchas on anyone….and people being people….you can bet that is what would happen

The best way of course, is what many have already said….Have a live, living, breathing GM go over and see for himself. I’m assuming that reporting the bot gives Anet the location and server of where the bots are…..I could be wrong though. They seem to be resisting this solution however, which is why I (re) brought up the captchas.

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fengshua.9085


I understand the reservations Rolo. Captchas do suck….but….once an hour or even 2 hours with a pretty large window (15 mins?) wouldn’t be too bad.

The carrot on the stick could be that if they didn’t respond, they could be flagged for pvp so we can smack them down….maybe even take a percentage of the loot they’ve been stealing from the community. The amount of time to respond should be longer than the auto afk log-out so that innocent afk’ers would log off without repercussions.

I honestly don’t think anything like this will be implemented, but I like to offer some suggestions on how to fix things even if they are a bit wacky

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fengshua.9085


Another poster (which I responded to….hope this isn’t considered cross posting), mentioned a captcha system of some sort. While I really hate captchas, I’d still consider it the lesser of the two evils. I could certainly tolerate one an hour or so, especially if they were only triggered by someone reporting the suspected person as a bot.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fengshua.9085


Really y’all… you think its actually alright to set something to auto-attack and walk away from the computer for hours? When I’m done playing I log off. It is just such a common sense notion I find the confusion on this matter baffling. Its not rocket-science, its just basic consideration for your fellow players.

When you are afk NOT playing (and I don’t mean just taking a bio) ….other REAL players may be trying to log in to actually PLAY the game. It is incredibly inconsiderate to assume your rights trump theirs. Also, if you do afk bio (or whatever) you might wanna make sure you are not auto attacking.

I swear though, this thread sounds like the convicts in Shawhank “we’re ALL innocent here!”, when most likely, very few (or perhaps only one ) is actually innocent.

Use a captcha-like system to keep bots at bay

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fengshua.9085


I hate captchas too…..but I hate bots even more. Sometimes you have to pick the lesser of two evils. I’d certainly be open to other ideas that the devs might read/implement that would help in the bot war.

Use a captcha-like system to keep bots at bay

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fengshua.9085


I’d so agree to something like this. Coming from City of Heroes, I didn’t see bots (none that I noticed anyway), but a lot of the content was instanced. Bots here are insane….they are spreading like a virus.

I’m not a PvPer (not a good one anyway)…but I wonder if they could be flagged for PvP if they failed the captcha. Maybe even take x% of all the stuff they were looting for hours (with the devs determining what “x” is of course). Kind of a “Revenge of the Sentient Beings” thing.

I know my friends and I would love to PK (and I use that term loosely) us some bots =D