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Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Feodora.5872


We are avid dungeoners and so far it has been somewhat more than just challenging. While certain dungeons were alright, others such as CoE took WAY too long to complete and were more than just a “challenge” but a cesspool of frustration.

Many games allow you to revive from a checkpoint to try and complete your task. You have eliminated this. I agree with MANY comments on here including those regarding PUGs and how it will affect the behavior towards other players, increasing rage quitters and those who kick others, etc. Is this really how you want this to go? Think about it, players ALREADY had a penalty if they died which is paying for repairs.

IDEA: Perhaps you could implement a system where there is a certain number of times you have to revive at a waypoint before you no longer can. Or a certain time frame in which you can such as until boss’ health is 50%, for example. I personally like “certain number of times you can” or back to the way it was which was fine. Or, even as someone else suggested, a separate “hard mode” where you can’t waypoint and a normal mode where you can and rewards adjusted accordingly (just not a ridiculously lower, for example).

Do you really want many MANY players to feel left-out and as though they cannot play a huge part of the game? To be judged by others and scoffed on by elitists? Because this is what you’re doing to many, many people… read the comments… see for yourself, devs… don’t do this to your players…

Your IDEA is brilliant, say allow a person to res twice at a waypoint if they die, or I also have a suggestion. Use the SPVP idea which is already in situ in the game. When you die there is a 15 second penalty before you are able to res at the waypoint. Most of the instances already also have the penalty of not having many waypoints, and you spent a lot of the time running back from almost the start (TA for example).

Dungeon Waypoints ...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feodora.5872


wonderful idea should done

Stackable "Collections"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feodora.5872


thats a wonderful idea