Showing Posts For Feralthyrtiaq.7184:

Level 40 ish gear wasteland....

in Elementalist

Posted by: Feralthyrtiaq.7184


At level 49 now. I stuck with the level 42 ish gear and upgraded my weapons. I found a Ravaging Staff of some such, a Ravaging Ogre Slaying dagger and a Strong Dagger that Heals Allies 30% of the time.

It seems that even thought the yellow weapons cost a little more they are usefull for several levels.

It seems more appropriate to change up when I notice either survivability or dps going down.

I kinda figured the crafted gear would be behind random drops due to the time/cost vs benefit.

Level 40 ish gear wasteland....

in Elementalist

Posted by: Feralthyrtiaq.7184


Was running in a group doin AC Exp Mode having a rough go of it.

Was level 42 (43 now) in mostly level 33-35 Green Ravaging Condition/Precision gear with a Yellow Staff and a couple Yellow Daggers also level 35 Ravaging type.

There were other newer people in the group as well.

We were about to call it but before we all left a comment was made that some of us need to hit the Trader and gear up a little better.

Fair enough…I did just gear up at 35 with the best I could get and then got 7 levels really fast.

So afterward I went to the trader but could not find ANY Greens/Yellows available for level 40-42. Not really a big deal but the Blue Ravaging Gear I could find was just a lil bit better than what I had.

And the Ravaging Yellow Staff/ Daggers were still better than Blues of levels 40-42 on the AH.

I could also not find any healing/vitality or toughness/vitality gear in the level 40-42 range. The only stuff I could find was Cond/Prec and Power/Precision.

Is this just a fluke or is there really only a coule types of bonuses available for elementalists at 40-42.

I have run across a few Healing type gear pieces available from Karma vendors but really didn’t want to dump my tasty pool of karma for low level healing gear.

I though maybe a balance of Toughness/Vitality and Healing Vitality might increase my survivablility over just stacking as much Cond/Prec as possible.

Any thoughts?

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: Feralthyrtiaq.7184


I don’t get the reference….but I think an obscure science reference is worth at least 7/10.

Feralthyrtiaq- The runt of the last litter to be sired by Thyrtiaq. Where he lacked strength and fortitude he made up with shear ferocity fighting his newborn litter-mates for food.

He took easily to studies of the elements becoming a volcanic earthquake of whirlwind on the battle field and rising to lead his warband.

UGGG this is driving me CRAZY

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Feralthyrtiaq.7184


I managed to find every thing else with no problem.

I followed the dotted path from the Google link and found it easily…

…once I realized that I had to just walk through a closed door…


UGGG this is driving me CRAZY

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Feralthyrtiaq.7184


1) Can’t figure out how to get the Ligacus Aquilos Waypoint. I’ve run my @ all over and around the darn thing and can’t find it which brings me to number 2….

2) The green swirling marker denoting the next step in my personal story arc is right by the Asura Gate…..which is RIGHT BY the Ligacus Aquilos Waypoint which I cannot find….