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WvW- limited skill with the keyboard/mouse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ferg.4325


@CrashTestAuto – Great answer! Ranger does seem to give me some leeway with my inability to always hit the right buttons. However…
@Sitkaz – You have inspired me. The ele I created was a while ago- after reading what you have written I will create another. I never used my original Ele in WvW so have to try it. Granted the extra keystrokes fill me with dread, but i’ll have to try again. If it doesn’t work out I can return to my Ranger.
@Mike – I have just googled some Razer Nagas, and they look like an impressive piece of kit. A cheaper alternative could be an option.

So, my plan is to try out an ele – If I could figure out some nice combinations/cycles of keys that’d really help. After all, I can just stand there on a keep (or in the middle of a zerg) and concentrate on the key presses!
If it doesn’t work out by level 20 or so then I have no problem switching back to my Ranger!

WvW- limited skill with the keyboard/mouse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ferg.4325


Greetings helpful people of the forum.
Just to warn you: Old man here asking for advice. Please leave the thread if you aren’t a fan of corduroy. Or Elvis.

Firstly, The question:
Which profession in WvW is the least punishing for someone who has limited skill with the keyboard/mouse?

I enjoy running with the zerg in Wvw. My aim is to get a char to 80 and feel like i’m helping out in WvW.. plus I am addicted to loot bags!

Before you tell me, I AM trying to “L2P”!!

I’m playing PvE/WvW but I am having difficulty pushing one class on to 80! I usually get a class to around 20-25 before reanalysing and trying another. I need your help to guide me.

Alas, my poorly specced computer, coupled with my age (If anyone can beat 65 i’ll be impressed!) do not equate to efficient GW2 play.
I have tried a mouse, even a trackball but I still struggle.

The most success I have had seems to be with the ranged professions- they seem to have more margin for error. With Melee, i’ve noticed other players move out of the way of my attacks (kitten their dextrous fingers!), and my attempts to re-aim and lock back on to them is pathetic.
Just to give you an idea of the type of player I am, Here are my views on some of the professions (All between level 20-25 at the moment):
Guardian: A dream in PvE because the mobs don’t move, but in battle against other players I am embarrassingly bad!
Mesmer: Real fun in WVW, but i like loot bags and struggled to get any – also levelling seemed very slow.
Thief: I tend to be super squishy, and struggle to get out of the way of attacks, but I have had real success with p/p in spvp.
Ranger: Everytime i have played, the zerg i ran with seemed to steam-roller everything- thus i felt like I gained lots of loot! I am aware this is not always going to be the case.
Elementalist/Engineer: Just too many key strokes for me. Ironically, when i stick with just the Engineer flamethrower kit in spvp i get a fair amount of points. I don’t think I would last long with this approach in WvW.

So, I am all ears – Which profession do you advise for WvW that is the least punishing for an old man who can’t use a keyboard/mouse too well?