Showing Posts For Figment.9356:
I Don’t think most of you are understanding. A Warrior for example can have 4 diff weapons on, with 4 diff sigils. 2 sigils with an on crit, 1 with on swap and 1 as a stacking mechanism like bloodlust. Where elementalist for example, can only have 2 on crit, or 2 on swap, or 1 stacking and one other.
Yup, double clicking mouse, screwed me over a few times, but i’ve learned to work around it.
Fov needs to be adjustable, all you need to do is google FOV and there is this same exact issue with every game that won’t let you adjust it. It’s not a hard concept. I don’t even need Diminishing Returns to not make me play, I got FOV to deal with.
This game was awesome when it first came out, I could farm the same mobs and be a big part of that item’s market on the trade post, like my own business. I could soothe my ocd, add, and kill kittens ad-nauseum making gold and having fun doing it. Not anymore; sucks man. Is this really to thwart botters or are they trying to tell us how they want us to play? I don’t get it.
(edited by Figment.9356)
Need to take leashing off in dungeons or something.
GaileGray that may help some people but it doesn’t address any of the issues most of us are having. The items or gold are not “misplaced” you treat us as if we are morons. It has been clearly stated its an issue on YOUR end with the BLTC it took our money it took our items that people had listed and never gave anything back.
For example i went to buy 4 Globs of Ectoplasm which turned out to be during the time the BLTC was messing up which i had no idea about at the time. I click buy it says error failed transaction NO money was taken from my invo at the time.
So i assume ok it messed up no money was taken im fine lets try ordering those 4 again error happens again and again NO gold is removed from the invo at the time. Ok lets try another time maybe its being weird atm same exact thing happens.
Ok maybe a lot of people are buying globs at once and i need to try ordering 1 at a time i do that error again no money removed at all during this entire time.
BLTC goes down say oh well ill buy the glob of ectoplasm later still have all gold in my invo at this time. I go about my day mining and killing in orr a couple hours later im looking through my bags to see what ive gathered etc look at my gold total and im missing like 3-4g i did not log out once during this entire time.
So im like ok thats weird but then it occurs to me that the gold was taken by the BLTC for the globs i ordered even tho it kept saying error. So i just wait it out figuring when the BLTC is back up ill collect the globs even tho its like 9 more than i ordered.
BLTC finally comes back up i go to my pick up tab and nothing is there ok wtf is going on? I check my items ive bought tab and it shows 4 globs of ecto bought 3 times and 1 ecto bought separately exactly how it was when i was getting the errors.
The BLTC took my money and did not give me the items back when it came back up this has nothing to do with a delay for the items to be received it has been over 20 hours. Plenty of other people have this exact same issue as me or the issue where the posted things on the BLTC and it sold but they never got sent money.
It is on your end thoroughly check the logs and you’ll see that it says the items where bought but where never picked up. Hopefully you guys are able to see that since it seems you lack a lot of tools other MMO’s have from what ive seen.
If i sound rude or something i apologize but it seems like you think we are all morons and this issue is on our end and you guys are perfect and do nothing wrong your system is flawless etc. Which is not the case this time a lot of us have missing items/gold that was never delivered to us through the BLTC.
Happened to me lots of times as well, sad.
I agree.
An FOV slider is needed.
Camera easing/acceleration slider is needed.
Camera height and position slider is needed.
Max camera distance setting and first person camera is needed.
I get nauseous like watching the movie Cloverfield, the camera zooms in and out more the faster you turn your camera (try spinning your camera around real fast and watch it act like the moon in Earth’s gravity, like the hair on the char creation screen) and there is wayyy too much GROUND, it takes up 70% of the screen and you can’t see the beautiful landscape because of the ‘zoomed in’ fov. I’m a photographer and know from experience what looking at a changing fov is like for hours, like shooting a wedding, and this game is way more exhausting and headache inducing. Along with all of that, you are constantly battling with the camera easing/acceleration like you are struggling with rubberbands pulling your view back and forth, I need accuracy and precision!
BTW, zoom and fov are the same thing, but camera distance is different. Zoom/fov does change perspective, sometimes distortions, but who cares.
If you search google FOV and any video game name, there are tons and tons of people asking for it to be added, and even a program called Flawless Widescreen that are trying to get working for Guild Wars 2 because it means that much to us to have fov adjustable, especially to work on widescreen monitors, and triple monitors.
(edited by Figment.9356)