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Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalstrike.8259


GW2 already has what OP asks for in the form of transformations (Armors in Tarir, Oakhearts in the Sylvari starter area, etc). The only thing missing is to make the mount available on the whole map and to place a model of our character on top of it.

^This, exactly. The type of gameplay I’m envisioning wouldn’t need to be very fundamentally different from what already exists.

Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalstrike.8259


While I’m usually against mounts, something similar to what OP requested already exists in GW1 and it gave me an absolute blast! Litterally, since I failed to tame it on the first try…

So yes, I’d like to see temporary versions of Battle Tanks and Oak Hearts, etc given to players as event rewards. They’d vanish when you leave the map, but exploring the map with one would be fun. They could also have a follow mode where they follow you around like a pet or companion and attack stuff.

Tbh, that mission with the Siege Devourer in GW1 was actually my inspiration for this whole post. Its one of the most memorable events I can think of from Eye of the North, and probably one of my favorite missions in the series.

Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalstrike.8259


I like your idea, but you know what would be more awesome? Glider combat.

Sounds cool, I’d play the heck outta that. Players could drop bombs on ground targets, such as siege equipment in pvp. Or, try to blast eachother of the sky using bows, spells, pistols, etc. Guild emblems proudly painted on the back of your glider, as your formation sweeps in to claim an objective.

I dig this idea. =}

(edited by Finalstrike.8259)

Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalstrike.8259


Again, the whole point isn’t really in the idea of map traversal. Guild Wars 2 has several systems in place already for making transportation around the map fast and simple. Waypoints are definitely the fastest way to go… but the environments in this game are so pretty; its almost a shame to use them unless you’re traveling quite far. A creature you can ride or a vehicle you can drive looks stylish, would have neat animations, and still allow you to cruise around the gorgeously rendered quest zones.

Gliding sounds cool, and its definitely a nice feature thats frankly been a long time coming… but can you joust while riding a kite? Think of the awesome pvp styles and zone content that could be built around such a style.

Not trying to rile an old topic, but rather rethink it; reinterpreting ideas is the iterative cycle that drives good game design.

Bottom line: Many games include mounts… but not very many games actually make the act of using a mount FUN. This could maybe do that, but hey. Just one player’s opinion =)

Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalstrike.8259


Two words: Mounted Combat.

Guild Wars 2 already has a wonderfully intuitive skill system, wherein your character’s first five slots are dictated by what he/she is holding in their hands. Its a great tool and it works. Now, suppose that what the character is holding is the reins/remote/gearshift of a land-based mount… the possibilities are epic.

Whether you’re crushing your enemies under the treads of an Iron Legion Scout Tank, ripping them asunder with the talons of your Seraph-trained War Gryffon, goring them on the horns and hooves of your Shiverpeak Dolyak, punching them down with the stony fists of your Asuran Battle Golem, or bringing the fury of nature to them aboard your own Caledon Oakheart, they’re gonna have a bad time… and YOU are gonna have an absolute blast.

But, that’s just my two cents. What do you all think? Mounts in GW2: better off absent? just another speed boost? or This. Looking forward to seeing your ideas as well.

(edited by Finalstrike.8259)