Showing Posts For Fisk.3629:

Racial Elites not worth the skill points?

in Asura

Posted by: Fisk.3629


The golem “pet” is actually really really good.

The golem suit is pretty much just fun.

Dungeon Token and Reward

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fisk.3629


I see this as the biggest problem.
For one thing, you do not get dungeon tokens from story mode. Why? This would be an excellent way to introduce the system to people.
The only reason i know tokens exist is because i went to lions arch and saw the vendors.

The “end” reward for story mode is also weird. Sure it might suit some, but seriously? Why do i only get one choice of armor? Why am i “forced” into specific stats?
Why is all the armor so generic looking? When i finish a dungeon i want to get 1) Choice between atleast a couple of stats. 2) Choice between different looks that are not already looking the same as the one i have equipped! ( To be honest, you wear the same thing until about level 35 )

Explorable version:
I do not know about you, but i see no reason to grind to get armor just for the looks. Why does all dungeon reward armor look EXACTLY THE SAME! ( you know, unless the exotic version ). There is no difference at all in looks and ontop of that it’s the exact same look you get from any random vendor.

I get it, people SHOULD be proud about getting cool looking gear, and spending time to get it. But you can create “less” cool gear, but still different.

The chests for each boss should contain loot that atleast are not crap… I mostly get white loot from the chests.