Showing Posts For Flame.6582:

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flame.6582


I am frustrated, I bought one of each type of new town clothes. And now those clothes have been taken, and i get endless tonics, that dont even help me fight in costume brawls, can’t be dyed, don’t count towards any skins and cannot be mixed or matched. This is not just about what I want. I bought a service, that service was taken, without my permission, and I get something I dont want in the slightest. I very much love guildwars (both), but everyone I know is now putting a boycott on the gem store until this matter is fixed. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but I spent a lot of money on those outfits (birthday and Christmas) Please refund the gems or something similar to that. I really enjoy the other new content, and thank-you. Please have a nice day.

(edited by Flame.6582)