Showing Posts For Flappy.2837:

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


are u really teaching me about thief , when im myself a rank 33 thief , a glass canon spec has 14k or 15 if he got a trait that convert 5% of precision into vitality that i corrected this for u , anymore questions ?

You say thieves have nothing going for them if they don’t have this 200 power and 15% crit damage and 14-15k hp? I had no problem killing people without them being able to retaliate as 21k and i still didn’t need to weapon swap. Sure it required more than spamming one button and autoattack >SOMETIMES<, but maybe that is the problem for you when claiming you have nothing going for you?
And when you say l2p and l2 to dodge just shows who’s the player behind the class defending the burst, it actually should be YOU learning to play and dodge intstead of one button win spamming. And that has been my point all along.

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


Yes i actually rand this for some time, but didn’t find it useful, the damage it can do is really, REALLY bad. And as usual with well builds they are for cleaning out people who think standing still in 2 pulsing wells is a good idea.
It is not a very viable build, because you have 2 options, using dagger to immobilize them either before or after casting the wells. Immobilize them before casting and they will run out after 1 pulse, immobilizing them after casting the wells will require them to be standing onto of them, which they don’t. Its like counting on a Ranged will not move if getting jumped by a melee.

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


Thieves have 17k hp as glasscannon, and about one button with sword and one button with dagger spam that does the everything required for a extremely fast kill, thats what is annoying people who gets instagibbed. Other classes they trait, weaponswap use utility and elite skills to counter a one button spam. That isn’t very rewarding for me at least, sure i got knockdown, weaponswapping, and stealth, and thieves guild for that extra flavor, but unless i met someone who really, really fought back, i didn’t even need to use them. Stealth stomping was the most used utility skill and it can’t be countered that i know of. And weapon swapping as a thief? Not required at all to get the job done, its mainly used for short bow teleport.

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


16k backstab… man have a look at your build…

Even with some toughness and protection, which is easy to get with certain trait lines, heh even mark/staff builds can have it going – you can reduce the stupid damage you are taking by half, add in some vitality and your laughing.

I know you made the thread to complain about how thieves are OP, but really if your going to go a glass cannon build you have to expect to die fast.

If you can only play a glass cannon build, then at least have traits that allow extra damage when downed and spec runes and traits that do damage when you fall over, or try out other classes. (like thief, which can benefit greatly from decent glass cannon builds…)

I’ve played heaps of matches now with an engi, and necro and I’ve honestly never had your issue – (normally in the top 2 at the end)

I’m not saying its a l2p thing or that I’m necessarily good, but at least have builds that play to the strengths of the class.

I said the build i had in the post… do you call that a glass cannon? It is traited for toughness and DS. So whatd build do you recommend then?

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


So you think condition Necromancers a problem but you say you chose to not run with a healing skill that has more controlled healing and removes conditions, and you have teamates removing conditions and you have a another condition removal… i don’t see how the condition necro can be a problem.

its amazing you can make this an argument yet when people tell others to run stunbreakers or defense skills they reply “i shouldnt have to spec to avoid one class!”

talking about thief of course.

It is amazing how you missed the scenario when i described how i would easily kill a necro as a thief when they used plague signet, and i also said i tried all the common specs and my own specs before i posted. I usually always carry a stunbreaker, and if i do not i won’t complain about not being able to break stun, i have have an option to do so.
The problem is the stuns and immobilizes are so many and so short that a stunbreaker skill is extremely far from an get away free card. The best suggestion ive heard and used is to plague signet the fear if they steal it, but usually it is just teleport in and mash away win.

@Shukran. Yes i agree that in tPvP thieves don’t have the same strength because of bunkers, but don’t you see, that is the problem, wouldn’t it be more amusing gameplay if the thief class wasn’t instagib all but tanks and weak to useless against tanks. Lower damage, give a little longer and controlled fights instead of spam everything you got and hope for the best. It can still be a glass cannon, but a little less cannon and a little less glass.

(edited by Flappy.2837)

Quality of life suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Flappy.2837


Mouse click deselects target:
This is quite annoying feature both in PvP and PvE. When i fight someone, there is usually a lot of people, clones, pets, etc running around, i play condition necro. And i try to stack up conditions on a target, and then i have to evade some attack, my target gets deselected because i click somewhere on the terrain to move the camera.

What i want is an option to only deselect my target if i have my mouse pointer on another target and i press the mouse button (both down on up while having the new target selected the whole time)

And if i get stunned and want to quickittenarget my attacker, which it is almost impossible to select before it is to late (especially if it is a burst class).

A good way to fix this is to autotarget an attacker if i do not have a target, for example i have a warrior targeted>a thief jumps me>i press escape to deselect my current target>the thief becomes autotargeted since he is (probably) the first one attacking me after i deslected my current target (warrior).
This also helps with stealthers who attacks you, usually the fight can be over before you even saw what hit you because their character don’t render fast enough when they should be out of sthealth, they get easier to select.

2 sec CD on things like Plague or Lich Form:
If i get knocked and quickly want to move into for example Plague form, i click several times to quickly get into said form when i get out of knockdown, usually what happens is when i get into Plague Form it gets canceled because i clicked to many times, a short CD to stay in form would be great.

Custom colors in PvP:
It is easy to see who are friend and foe because of the red and blue colored names, so i don’t think being able to customize your armor colors would confuse. It would only ad a little flavor.

(edited by Flappy.2837)

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


So why bring it up if thieves have no problem with it?

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


So you think condition Necromancers a problem but you say you chose to not run with a healing skill that has more controlled healing and removes conditions, and you have teamates removing conditions and you have a another condition removal… i don’t see how the condition necro can be a problem.

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


A half-decent condition Necro is the only thing I fear on my Thief.

Seriously? Only thing a condition necro is good is against a tank spec guardian, condition necro in tpvp won’t get far with the constant condition cleansing, but the boon stripping/converting is what can kill bunker guardians.

Thiefs tend to not run with condi removal. If the necro can survive a decent bit and land some CC, his conditions will tear the thief up. A smart thief will just avoid that 1v1 altogether unless they’ve got Thieves Guild (IWIN) up.

Why wouldn’t a thief run with condition removal in PvP? That makes no sence.

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


Enough with the non-constructive posts, if you don’t have anything except some bad attempt at saying l2p but actually don’t have any clue about it, just don’t post. I can really explain a condition Necro vs Thief fight and show you a scenario, but as you don’t have anything useful in your post i just mirror your respond “l2p if you have problems with a condtion necro, seriously”

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


A half-decent condition Necro is the only thing I fear on my Thief.

Explain why or your answer is just null and void, and that you don’t fear guardians just makes me more certain that you don’t know what you are talking about.

(edited by Flappy.2837)

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


But as you said Yukishiro, yes Plaugue is one of the best skills against Pistol whip, but not a iwin button. Its mainly a irunandhide button, so what the necro need is full life force and Elite up. Then is when Necro has a shot at attempting to think about even try and play.

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


Well, Shukran, you didn’t even come close to answering mine, you can’t give a scenario how to beat them as a necro, but with 1h game time, i had no problem coming up how to beat a Necro as a Thief flawlessly.
But since by answering this question you can help me, yes? I will answer it, it was in 8v8.

Put a mark under me and hold a position… seriously… must i argue with these kind of things with people who claim it’s a l2p issue… dear lord.
Very well, just to show you, you can’t ever use the phrase “l2p” ever again, like so many others that have come here and just said that.
Lets say i put a mark under me and hold. Firstly, does this sound like fun gameplay? Secondly, I then have them on CD and a thief can just dodge into them to make them disappear.

Yukishiro, read what i’ve posted or don’t reply. I described how i did it, maybe you needed 140 points but i needed 70, well 50-60 really and didn’t even need to change weapon set. So as you pointed out “There’s not much one can do to reason with someone who displays no reason.”.

What also surprises me with these “l2p” replys (who also none has anything constructive to add) is that, why don’t they want more depth to the class than a 2 button class? I just don’t understand it, isn’t it fun to use more skills? Usually as a thief i didn’t even need my utility skills, i just added them for that extra control when someone had a lot of toughness.

(edited by Flappy.2837)

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


pistol whip and CnD are 2 different builds.
i think it is a l2p issue only because you see the thief but you wait for him to melee you to use marks. it seems… and about “everytime”, i would like to know if it is 5v5 or 8v8.

I know they are 2 diffrent builds does that make it ok? “Oh its ok to kill people without a chance of retaliate because we can do it with more than one build! Nothing to see here!!!” I mean god, i told you not reply with non meaningfull remarks like this. And wait for him to melee? Ever heard of Steal?
So in conclusion some of you l2p people say “If you see the thief attack him and don’t let him jump you” and some say “Let him walk into your marks” Seems you like you know… know how to play yourselves… good stuff.

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


Here is how the standard thief vs necro fight goes in the best scenario possible:

>I cast first spell, probable a slow mark
>Thief invis.
>Necro Evade first invis attack.
>Necro evade second invis attack.
>Thief fear.
>Necro DS and Fear. Only thing Necro can cast while feared.
>Both get out of fear.
>thief invis again
>Necro gets chain stunned and lose.

I cant cast Fear mark i can’t blind i can’t do ¤#&¤ all.
How is this fun and competitive game play? I can press every button available and still lose, while Thief can can press 3 buttons and win. Ive tried all builds recommended on the forum ive tried my own build for 2 days now and nothing works.

No build is even remotly close, no build has enough survivability. Ive seen a fare share of unbalanced games but for this to even get out of Alpha is just beyond me.

Sometimes players say to Devs “Do they even play the game” and they respond, “Ofc we play the game, you have to be more specific with what the problems are”. Well seriously, take just a few hours of a day and try it, you actually have to try it yourself to see how laughable that balance is. Even if it was in a rock, paper, scissor game it is just ridiculous.

In GW1 classes were balanced because the wide array of skills available so if you got stomped by a class/build you could switch build to specifically be good against another build/class. In GW2 that concept is just thrown out the window, and i am extremely disappointed with that, and I’m getting fed up with this.

You did not what build he was. Pistol Whip thieves do not have that much stealth but they can stunlock, and backstab thieves can stealth a lot and do a lot of burst damage from stealth

After playing thief i know what he did, and you should if you have played a thief.
>Steal, auto attack and traited damage
>I dodge
>I dodge again
>I get feared
>Thief character gets rendered somewhere i around here, this is when i saw him
>I Death Shroud and fear
>Thief uses Infiltrators strike and ports back and immobilize 1 sec
>Thief invis and haste
>I get trapped in a Pistolwhip (he only uses pistolwhip as attack from here)
>I get Below 50% and get auto immobilized 4sec
>i Die

Everytime i tried casting fear mark under me i get interupted by the Pistol whip stun and maybe some other stun, i couldnt get a single spell off. Come on if you thieves play the class and just say “L2P” you should really see what spells he used.

And to stay on topic, I was testing my Necro again to come up with counters, currently i am using condtion build
30 Curses
20 Death Magic
20 Soul Reaping
1.1k toughness

I got hit for
4.9k Cloak and dagger
5.3K Steal
16k Backstab and here is when thief rendered

Soo, all “Durr get more toughness and L2P” tell me how to avoid this serisously, don’t even bother comment unless you say how to counter this, because then you sure as hell have no clue what the issue is. And you have to remember when you are casting spells and is not repared, so you have to count in the human factor. If another class should have reaction time and immediately realize that he is jumped by a thief, then you should have put more effort into the complexity a class that does this with 2buttons… Completely ridiculous..

(edited by Flappy.2837)

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


- thief hide
- necro put mark of “fear” under himself
-a ???
-a profit

-b thief steal
-b thief goes feared
-b necro spam 15 stack of bleeding on him
-b necro DS and fear
-b thief die

a good necro can die only if he is distracted by something else.

Right so i started a thief to see this “Necro poop on thieves, its just a l2p issue, thieves and Necro are fine”
Ive played for like an hour on the thief and ive seeked out necros, usually this is what i do.

>Stun venom 1 sec
>I get feared
>Teleport to Necro
>Necro is stunned, i setup up Pistol Whip
>Here he usually breaks stun or something, but then i use my forward key to catch him.
>Necro DS and feares and tried to do some 15xbleed skill which he can under the fear window.
>I heal invis, and remove the omgz 15stacks bleeds that the necro can put on with on ze button lol)
>Teleport to necro
>Knockdown trap under
>Pistol Whip
>Somewhere here he gets immobilized 4 sec from trait and i switch to daggers sometimes to finish them off quickly

If i mess upp or get some annoying dodges i use invis to reset, or heal invis because usually they dont have time to do much besides trying to get away so when the fight is over they havnt got many if any offensive skills cast, because everytime i use pistol whip, Necro casts get intetrupted. And i can just dodge into his marks to make them disappear, fear problem solved.
And as pointed out, this is if i get hit by a fear mark in the beginning, which for the necro is a best case scenario.
And for those “Durr L2P, i r 1337 and efveryting is fine because i r guud” instead of the L2P give a scenario on how to counter and how to win, since your comments are just showing you noobiness by not actually commenting on how it is done if it is so easy.

I have by playing thif got some extra insight what i can do and i will test it later, but to those that just leave these useless comments and don’t know the game, just.. go away. Shoo. Go be useless somewhere else.

(edited by Flappy.2837)

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


So what part of the “I’ve tried all builds recommended on the forum ive tried my own build for 2 days now and nothing works” didn’t you understand?
So if it is a L2P issue explain to me the scenario then instead of just “Durr L2P my class is fine”
Start with the if i get the opener, and then if he gets the opener, if it is a L2p issue i will gladly take it. And not just toughness fixes everything, as i said, i tried the different builds.

Thief vs Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Flappy.2837


Here is how the standard thief vs necro fight goes in the best scenario possible:

>I cast first spell, probable a slow mark
>Thief invis.
>Necro Evade first invis attack.
>Necro evade second invis attack.
>Thief fear.
>Necro DS and Fear. Only thing Necro can cast while feared.
>Both get out of fear.
>thief invis again
>Necro gets chain stunned and lose.

I cant cast Fear mark i can’t blind i can’t do ¤#&¤ all.
How is this fun and competitive game play? I can press every button available and still lose, while Thief can can press 3 buttons and win. Ive tried all builds recommended on the forum ive tried my own build for 2 days now and nothing works.

No build is even remotly close, no build has enough survivability. Ive seen a fare share of unbalanced games but for this to even get out of Alpha is just beyond me.

Sometimes players say to Devs “Do they even play the game” and they respond, “Ofc we play the game, you have to be more specific with what the problems are”. Well seriously, take just a few hours of a day and try it, you actually have to try it yourself to see how laughable that balance is. Even if it was in a rock, paper, scissor game it is just ridiculous.

In GW1 classes were balanced because the wide array of skills available so if you got stomped by a class/build you could switch build to specifically be good against another build/class. In GW2 that concept is just thrown out the window, and i am extremely disappointed with that, and I’m getting fed up with this.