Showing Posts For Flea.3587:
Nice, thanks Alahmnat, if anyone else has any more thoughts too please go right ahead
First of all just want thanks for it’s addition, it certainly will make the game much better, for me at least.
That said I’d like to ask if it would be possible to consider some improvements to it, them being:
- Add a toggle on the options for LClick to auto-attack when in AC mode (I’m assuming the current behaviour of not auto-attacking in the AC mode is intended).
- Be able to change the RClick behaviour to other actions, such as dodge.
- Change the crosshair model. Or at the very least be able to use the non-combat one at all times(I personally prefer small crosshairs).
I understand that the action camera is probably not the priority right now, but when possible I’d love if you guys could take this into consideration.
PS: I’m sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, not sure where I should be.
I’m having the same issue but if you login it should let you start the game regardless, at least for me it did, have been playing without any problems aside from this bogus file.