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[BUG] Meeting the Asura [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


I gave up hope and didn’t check today. Glad they fixed it.

[BUG] Meeting the Asura [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


me three as well

[BUG] Meeting the Asura [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


After the first two enemies are dead and Caithe goes into stealth there is a krewe guard. I go behind him and press F to knockout and nothing happens. No yellow fill up bar, my skillbar lights up for a few seconds but that is it. I have restarted several times and this is still happening.

A whole year: Time for another go

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


Those nerfs make no sense…

A whole year: Time for another go

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


For years I followed GW2, every blog post(where did that go anyhow), interview, video, everything. Wanting to go on adventures with my black moa that was stuck in that Hall for 250 years, I think he missed me

I missed the first beta weekend, but the 2nd made me forget about dinner even though my old pc was murdered by the bad coding. Then there was launch, It maybe was the overload servers that made me do the same events over and over, or the fact that I couldnt keep up with the story mission levels.

I gave up when the risen thralls ignored my pets no matter how good I was at bouncing normal enemies, I can accept pets being weaker than me but not even fighting my pets was so irritating I rage quit. This was the day after me fighting that Centaur King/leader giant event thing ( the one with the arena with all those giant dog mini boss multi 20 minute stage fight), Using the moa heal and those big pet defense cooldowns I could distract at least one of those dog things or two for a few minutes while the players beat on the other boss. Then being downgraded to a pet that is almost useless gave me eternal sadness.

I am starting to rant so I will try to make this short, have they changed pets so they last more than one aoe attack from a dungeon boss? Do they sometimes run off somewhere random still? Also is the 1hand sword still based on hitting the 1 key yourself, if so do they let you bind left click to a keybind yet? If ranger is exactly the way it was, is just using my warrior a safer bet?

I am reinstalling because I broke the WoW spell again a few weeks ago but I feel the old gods casting mind control again, I need an mmo ranked dis-spell because 40 hours of AC4 just hit diminishing returns.

Busting the Myth of Useless Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


Know what would be a cool idea? If when a player dodges, so does the pet evade attacks. That would be a nice trait or even profession mechanic for avoiding large AoEs.

You know what that is a good idea. That would look really cool also, synchronized dodging. That way we only have to focus dodging once, instead of getting your pet to dodge and yourself. It would just be one button.

[youtube] Lazy Ranger. Troll Pet. Spvp.

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


However you can’t get points if your dead. I would think if your screen is showing huge numbers taking off your health you would be inclined to kill whatever it is.

[youtube] Lazy Ranger. Troll Pet. Spvp.

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


This is hilarious I can’t stop laughing. Why does no one ever attack pets? It happens in every game, the first game I used to do the same thing as the video.

Biggest Hope for Patch: No more Ranger jokes

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


Did things change from the first day of the game’s release? I tried structured player versus player in the first week of release on my Ranger and I killed everything that moved. It might have been everyone was still trying to figure out how to play, but I’m not sure.

I used the default set up also, did very well with the longbow even. I even was also the last standing in the dungeon I tried at level 30. I’ve not had a chance to try others or try player versus player again. But I hope jokes like that won’t happen after the patch.

I don’t understand why some say Rangers are a free kill, everyone else was a free kill for me in the first week.

Rangers & Axes

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


It’s damage gets lower at high levels? That’s too bad, currently while leveling it is my favorite weapon.

No emotional attachment to pets

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


I have a emotional attachment to my black moa, because my Ranger had one in the first game and that involved a quest chain. Of my other pets not so much.

It was said originally that there would be elaborate taming process, I’m not sure where it went.

It would be more fun if we had to slowly tame a pet by feeding it or saving it from a trap or something. Maybe a quest or two. Another thing that could be done is letting us tame a creature of a high-power, such as a champion mob, by defeating it in a duel.

My favorite pet from any game, was from World of Warcraft, was a white tiger that was very dangerous to approach. Having to come up with a creative way to win him over, was good enough to make me almost cry when something killed him. Anything like that would be nice.

Busting the Myth of Useless Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


Another thing I’ve noticed lately, is if I call my pet back sometimes it doesn’t run straight to me but it instead dodges or gets out of the way of an enemy.

I noticed my Moa Bird do it a couple times, I hit f4 and he went away from me and dodged this champion’s big attack. It may just be coincidence but if the AI was coded to do that more it would be great. Maybe even if it did on its own without pressing f4.

It is easier to call them back when you’re playing a ranged weapon as you can see everything the enemies are doing. I wish there is at least a button to make the pet dodge or something.

But a bunch of people saying pets are useless happens in every game. You make some good points, hopefully it will enlighten some more people that pets are worth it. I personally find playing as a Ranger with a pet is much easier than playing a warrior. There are many games where pets are declared useless and I end up having no trouble.

There are problems but they are not breaking the entire world. Once the pathing and the moving targets thing is patched up, pets will be awesome. However one thing I’ve noticed is in some dungeons pets will be killed in one hit or a couple seconds, but that could probably be fixed if pets could dodge.

I’ve never really looked at the pet system and thought it was completely horrible. There was always the upside to me.

Enemies at higher level, ignoring pet

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


Oh, I did notice risen seemed to do it more. That makes sense if it is just that type of mob that specifically ignores pets.

I didn’t mean my style was keeping every enemy on my pet. I usually switch between them, while still trading blows with them. I just got swarmed by Risen a couple times, it just seemed odd but seeing how they are mindless zombies, that makes sense.

Enemies at higher level, ignoring pet

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


So I was leveling in Bloodtide Coast, I am currently level 47 and I was fighting level 50 Pirates and Risen. When I can get those enemies to attack my pet, I can get him to hold his own with several of them beating on him at once. Normally at enemies the same level as me, I usually don’t have too much trouble keeping at least a couple of them trying to attack my pet instead of me. But these enemies three levels above me seem to make a beeline towards me no matter what I try to do. Most of the time they don’t even know my pet exists. And I end up getting killed even though with my pets help I would have no trouble with them, because sometimes they do attack my pet as well as me. But mostly just attack me.

Is this just a AI adjustment once enemies are above level 50, or is this just because the enemies are higher level than me? It is very annoying, but this only happens in this circumstance. Enemies the same level as me act just fine. Has anyone else encountered this?

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: FlyingCrackers.5620


He did say the changes were rolled back on in his post though. It does not fix the utter disappointment of not fixing pets or anything whatsoever. I really have no idea what is actually being worked on because this patch does not seem to be that big for actually relevant issues to be ignored.