Showing Posts For Fred FuzzyNuts.1274:

More Elder Dragons without an Expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

I was told Living story was nothing but a temporary “fix” to fill in time while Anet worked on an Expansion, and that Anet was aiming for an annual or bi-annual basis for their expansions.
During beta testing Anet even asked us beta testers, “Where would you like the first expansion to take place”.

For the year after release I was dreaming of going to these places….
Traveling through the Crystal Desert succeeding where Destiny’s Edge failed….Kralkatorrik.
Exploring the Ilse of Janthir discovering the mysteries of the….Mursaat.

However says we’ll never get an expansion.

I’m more than willing to pay 80-100 dollars for an expansion.(like most people I know in gw2)
We want to give you money Anet!

Fixing the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

+1, something must be done before we all quit.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

Since arena net clearly won’t listen to us for the sake of making the game fair and fun, how about we try this instead.

I’m offering $500USD for the return of my short bow that was fun.

Roll short bow back to it’s un-nerfed state, and you will have:

1. Restored many of the 70,000 viewer’s faith in your ability to listen to the community.

2.Removed some of the fear that is now spreading that you will just nerf every character we play into pathetic and broken professions , after we invest our time and money into it.

And with customer faith restored and fear removed, those customers will yet again not be afraid to invest real money into your game again.

As an act of good faith I promise to buy $500USD of gems in the event of Ranger Short Bow being returned to it’s state prior to 7th of Oct patch.

And I have no doubt that even tho they may be wary for a while many will return to buying gems with this done.

I refuse to buy gems after having my only fully functional weapon on my main nerfed, I chose ranger because it is under powered so I’d avoid being nerfed when i finally get a legendary weapon.

So with that^ in mind:
76182views even if only 25,000 are individual players and each spends $100USD at Gem store per month(like I do), then that is 2.5million USD lost revenue.

A Frustrated Customer

The Problem is NOT the's everything else

in Ranger

Posted by: Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

I agree with Decently Evil.
I may un-shelf my ranger if this comes to pass.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

Thanks for the reply Jon….
And thanks for disabling the single useful weapon on my main character…
You have destroyed my build which I have enjoyed for over 350hours with out getting sick of it, just because your opinion of “Fun”.

Until 1 hand sword is fixed, so I’m not a sitting duck in front of the target…unable to move. Short bow was my only other comparable weapon to other Proffessions.

I want my Shortbow back how it was.
I want my monthly $100 of gem purchases back.
I want 500hours of my life back.

I regret buying 10 copies of GW2 and giving them to my friends saying “Its a great game”


Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

Fred FuzzyNuts.1274

next to Shortbow… the only other reliable damage weapon was my 1hand sword…which leaves me completely unable to dodge ..with it’s stupid “locked” jumping animation combo >_<
I’m going to retire my ranger of 450hrs and switch to my warrior… and die a bit inside.