Showing Posts For Frey.7862:

Makeover suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frey.7862


I strongly agree with all of your suggestions!

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frey.7862


Yep, same issue here…

I’m a returning player who got my first character to 80 and then never finished the story before I left, so now I’m trying to catch up and this bug was a huge brick wall to finally getting to do that. :(

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frey.7862


I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but the quest “Victory or Death” is bugged. The cannons can’t be interacted with, nor can the repair anvil down in the bottom of the airship.

The first time I did it, the airship kept moving forward and nothing happened. Then it stopped, and nothing happened still. I wound up having to start it over by logging out because… nothing was happening.