Showing Posts For Frithjofr.2631:
My friends list is in a different order than normal and it’s actually bugging me a bit. Previously my friends list had been sorted by the order I friended people in, now it all seems to be jumbled. Not a big deal though.
I love you. Marry me.
Imagine this, ANet, imagine this scene if you will. You go to ElectronicsLand and look at a nice TV. This is a great TV, in that it’s modular. You can change the colors of the frame around the screen, you can change out the speakers, or the screen itself to give a sharper picture. You can stretch it out for parties, or make it smaller for quiet nights at home. Wonderful TV. You inquire about buying this TV, and they say they only accept ElectronicsLandBucks for that particular TV.
So you go to a register and convert your cash into ElectronicsLandBucks or whatever. You then use your ElectronicsLandBucks to purchase the TV. It looks wonderful in your new home! You’ve changed everything just perfectly so it matches the house and your preferred viewing experience. Company over? Fear not, in just a moment or two the TV is completely different and providing different atmosphere! Congratulations!
Then, a few months later, a guy from ElectronicsLand comes into your home for an unrequested “tune up” and tells you. “Well, we’re going to fix the size, so it can only be one size ever again.” and despite your pleading, they do just that. “Unfortunately,” they begin, “We only have one set of speakers for this size.” so they instal those, without asking if it’s okay. “And then we only have one color frame to fit over those speakers. I hope you like baby puke green.” and as you beg them to stop, they fit an awful color frame around the “new and improved” TV. Before leaving, the guy from ElectronicsLand scratches at his head and mentions, “Oh, by the way, you have to reassemble this every 15 minutes. It’s liable to fall apart otherwise.”
So you find this unacceptable, naturally, and bring the TV back to ElectronicsLand. You explain the situation and the rather helpful (and quite cute, I might add) young woman at the desk tells you it’s a familiar problem, but that because you used ElectronicsLandBucks to buy the TV, she can only give your money back in the form of ElectronicsLandBucks, thus forcing you to buy more stuff from ElectronicsLand, even though ElectronicsLand totally just screwed you over. So you keep the TV as a point of pride, hoping that one day ElectronicsLand might come back to fix it, but slowly, after hearing nothing, reading comments from many many consumers who went through the same thing online, you decide to just take the ElectronicsLandBucks and be done with it. Maybe that new washer/dryer combo would be cool, but how can you be sure ElectronicsLand won’t swing by in a couple months and turn it into a large electric teakettle?
Do you see what I’m getting at? That’s what you did to town clothes. You took away the customization that was the reason we all bought them, then said “Well it still works. Kinda.” by giving us those token elixers or whatever. Yes, it still works, not in the way any of us want them to. Then you can’t give our money back. I understand. I bought it with ElectronicsLandBucks gems. So I get gems back. But what do I spend them on? I have zero faith. What changes next? Permanent tools become “Really, very long term use tools.” and have a set of 10,000 charges?
I’m part of the RP tea house in Queensdale, currently Miryssa’s Tea House, formerly the Aroma Tea House. We’re a guild that ICly operates a tea house Thursday and Sunday nights, and we’ve been at it for better than a year. This megaserver business has deeply impacted us.
Where as before we were on TC, a strong roleplaying community, we had access to a large pool of roleplayers. Sure, we always had our regular customers, but a majority of the people we saw were new every week. We encountered very few trolls while we were ‘home servered’ in TC. The few trolls we did encounter usually got bored of being the only one in the crowd and would leave without conflict. Through my ~18 months of playing this game, I’ve had to block maybe a dozen people total.
Last night was my first night working with the new megaserver. Straight away (Well, not straight away, I had to join over), I had to block four people who were spamming in /say, making sarcastic remarks about us, or just saying disgusting things in general. I guess they weren’t happy without getting a reaction and started emoting as if attempting to roleplay, but in a sarcastic way. (Such as tipping one of our servers 100 billion gold coins.) Which raises a few questions for me:
1:) Why isn’t there a course of action for RPers to ‘report’ trolls. They don’t send any feedback or whatever to ANet, but it decreases (Or increases. Or changes. However you need to look at it.) the trolls weighting in this whole megaserver debacle and after so many reports from various guilds those trolls can no longer get into the same shard as proper RPers.
2:) Did you even consider the implications this would have for Roleplayers? I’m going to assume no. When it’s just one troll in a room full of RPers, we can ignore them, and they’ll leave. There’s only so much disruption one person can cause. But four people can wreak havoc on a scene. When it’s just one troll, societal pressure gives way and they either feel embarrassed or bored and leave. But when multiple people are trolling, this seems like an ‘okay’ thing to do and they keep doing, they even egg each other on. No other group has to suffer this indignity. I have half a mind to collect a bunch of roleplayers and all of us join WvW and just RP. It’s the same concept. We go to a place and disrupt the flow. “Oh, sorry, you want us to WvW? Why? Oh, because this is a place for WvW? Well, I just don’t see it. Looks like a bunch of forts to me.” And maybe maybe if we kitten with WvW and PvP and PvE ANet will take notice and give us what we want. Our own niche in the community, an equal share that every other group has.
3:) My customer base. What happened to our customer base? Discounting trolls, last night was rather slow. Some of our regulars who are there literally every night were unable to find us. Some of our own members had to guest over because they weren’t put with us. How am I supposed to run a business with this kind of shenanigans?
4:) Not megaserver related, but I want town clothes back.
Everything that was said in this thread in addition to this “Duplicate dyes unlocked on multiple characters will be compensated by mailing the player an Unidentified Dye when the second character logs in.”
I don’t ever recall it being said we’d receive an unidentified dye on the run up this quagmire of a patch. I was under the impression we’d receive an exact copy of the dye we had duplicated. So I get a stack and a half of unidentified dyes… What about the 4 or 5 instances of Abyss I had? What about the several Celestials, or the Amneties? What about the dyes that came from special dye sales following world events, toxic dyes and the like? I have no chance of getting them again from the hundreds of unidentified dyes I currently have – not that I need them, but I bought them, I’d like to be able to resell them.
Also, really? Really? Tonics for town clothes? Alright. Even though tonics logically go in the face of everything you were reportedly giving us. They don’t make it more convenient, now I need inventory space and I have to reapply them every time I zone or every fifteen minutes in RP. They don’t add more customization, now everything is picked for me. They can’t be used in combat?
What did I gain, in regards to town clothes? Nothing.
What did I lose? Customization, convenience, ease of access, storage space.
What did you say you were giving us? Customization, convenience, ease of access, storage space.
Hm. That’s just talking about the wardrobe changes. What about RP? Let’s talk for a second about RP. I do a lot of open world RP, mostly Ebonhawke/Queensdale/Kessex on TC. A lot of the stuff we’re able to do as roleplayers comes from having a suitable, quiet environment around us, free of interruptions like world events and griefers. This whole “mega server” (clever name) thing is trouble. Now instead of having a quiet night at the bar in Ebonhawke there’s a dozen extra people loitering around and 5 blue nachos on my screen yelling at me to go do something.
But who am I kidding? You don’t care. There’s 30 pages of people saying the same stuff I’ve just said, and nothing changed, nothing’s going to change.
(P.S., whoever designed the “modesty” clothing to match with the tonics should be dragged out back and beat with a hose. A green vest with brown knee high spurs, khaki skinny jeans and black leather gloves? Honey, no.)
Why can’t we just keep town clothes the way they are currently? Have your fancy new interface, great, awesome, love it. Let me toggle to switch to my “alternate clothing” like I do today. I have a button that lets me swap to town clothes.
I’m a roleplayer, I roleplay a guardian. There’s no reason my guardian should ALWAYS be locked up in heavy armor.
“Hey Imogen, wanna go to the park, play kickball with the guys?”
“Sure! Let me just strap on 45 pounds of steel.”
“Haha, that kickball sure was fun. Drinks at the Maiden?”
“DUH! Just let me go slip into my drinking armor real quick. It’s a little less spiky so I don’t accidentally poke somebody’s eye out. You know how I get.”
“Shannon just invited us to a picnic on the beach, want to come?”
“Of course! Let me lock myself in an even thicker tin can so I can be SURE to get dehydrated and collapse in a heap.”
Or I guess I can just go everywhere naked.
I don’t want to be that guy playing devil’s advocate, but you took away our town clothes, you took away a lot of customization with outfits, and now it seems like you’re trying to break the community up. The game director himself said “Guild up” which, to me, shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how Roleplay works. Do you ask the entire WvW community to guild up? Do you ask the entire sPvP community to guild up?
The least you could do is give us a way, other than some undisclosed “weighted” values, for us to ensure that we can stick together. The RP flag/toggle seems like a really good idea, and I’ve seen it in other games, most notably Everquest 2, but it was present in WoW as well (Dedicated RP servers, no less) in the form of FlagRSP, which was a popular addon.
Also, with the influx of new players to our RP locations, could the ignore feature also block emotes? I’ve been trolled enough on TC by non-roleplayers, I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when we can no longer say “Well, you’re on a roleplaying server.”
TL;DR: You’re doing a lot in this update that seems to spite the RP community, please get this one thing right.
I’m a roleplayer. For me, town clothes are a big thing. I roleplay a guardian, there’s no reason she’d strut about her every day chores in Divinity’s Reach in full plate, less of a reason she’d go to the bar with 50 pounds of armor strapped to her. My ranger is a business woman and it’s hardly conducive to business to be strutting about in a trench coat or covered head to toe in daggers, so she does business in town clothes.
I’ve purchased more than two full sets of town clothes. Riding boots, pants (a lot of pants), shorts, two of each shirt (Except the vests! One of each of those.), one of the hoodies… There’s pair of glasses floating around on one of my toons, too.
So this, of course, raises a few questions.
1. For my duplicate town clothes, will I get duplicate tonics?
1.1 Will I be able to sell these duplicate tonics? (Gold)
1.2 Will I be refunded for the duplicate tonics? (Gems)
2. Why tonics? Why not keep the same exact page for town clothes?
3. Why not give us the option to skin our armor in town clothes, if you’re giving us that same option for costumes/one-off headgear?
4. If the tonics are not “stackable,” in the sense that I can’t use three tonics at once to customize my look, then what’s the point?
4.1 Are there any screens available of what the tonics “fill in gear” will look like?
4.2 You cited nudity as a reason for the “fill in gear,” makes sense. But if your system would have forced us to be nude in the first place, thus creating more work for you (in the way of “fill in gear”) why even bother? Just let us keep the same system we currently have and spare yourself the headache.
5. What happened to the unparalleled customization and unique character experience you guys were always touted?
(As I recall, that’s the exact reason “outfits” like the phoenix or magitech were sold as bundled individual skins. Customization. I could rock just the coat and gloves, where somebody else might fancy the leggings and head piece. The way it’s going now, with all or nothing costumes and non-customizable tonics, it seems like you’re getting rid of a LOT of customization. You’re forcing us to homogenize. It doesn’t feel like I’m a unique flower if everyone is wearing exactly the same thing as me.)
6. Did you actively consider and consult roleplayers (or the community in general) when you made this decision, or were you just oblivious?
6.1 Did you take a walk around Divinity’s Reach on TC or PS to see how common town clothes are?
6.2 Did you consider for a moment that roleplayers, although a minority, are a pretty heavily invested minority, and the group primarily hit by this decision?
All this said, I look forward to the other impending changes, but the town clothes to tonics just seems like a hair-brained decision. Attached is some additional sentiment. (Take it lightly, I know I did when I made it.)
(edited by Frithjofr.2631)