Showing Posts For Frohawk.2158:
Okay i waited a few weeks to post this after i submitted an in-game ticket. Basically I was trying to purchase the third collection expander when it was on sale a few weeks ago for 640gems but it would not allow me to buy it saying that i had the maximum number allowed. At the time i only had the ability to store 750 “collectables” which is only 2 expanders. Today i logged in and saw that in a recent update we are allowed to buy 2 additional expanders so i bought one, but this brings my max up to 1,000 items and i will still be capped at 1250 if i were to by the next one. I have checked the mail of each of my toons and all my inventory. There is not a hidden collection expander anywhere to be seen. Any help finding out why i am not able to get max number would be appreciated.
Whoa way to necro a thread, if you look at your map and hover your mouse over the location…let’s say bloodtide coast a popup will show you a list of the number of WP’s, POI’s and vistas in each area.
I Just spent first 5 mins building wall to block off access to dolyaks, then on the outskirts just quick built catapults in groups of 5 near the spawn points with a snowman or 2 to distract if any came through. after round 8 the whole map was just catapults.