Showing Posts For Frozen.7658:

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Frozen.7658


please dont mind ms frozen up there. honestly never even heard of this person on our server before till yesterday when i seen them running around with a commander tag.. and putting themselfs into bad positions. so half their argument of being surrounded was simply their own poor area of attack choice.

Alright… You may not see me on WvW and I dont know how long you have been doing WvW before.
Anyways I was not here to make CD and MG fight or anything I just wanted to make sure that was not happening in future.
And I have few of eye witness who saw and even asked me why they have same guild even tho they are in different server, that is why I started notice. And I know what CD and MG fight each other ofcoz you guys do I only wanted to say it was one of the guild who were trying to ruin it that’s all.
And I dont use the cheap tatics on forum so make CD and MG fight over nothing =0=
I personly like to fight on fair square that’s all and if I made any mistake by posting above post that wont happen again.

[kiwi] Gamers World – SBI
Ms Frozen – 80 Human Mesmer [Commander]

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Frozen.7658


Hi one thing I like to metion between CD and MaG.
I saw a guild known as NtSD or something similar to that name of the guild.
Which I found out that they are in both CD and MaG and also when SBI ppl were fight over the AP in EB BL. CD attacked us from the behind and after that the Mag attacked us. So seems like you guys are working together on WvW…
I am pretty sure NtSD are mainly in CD because I saw more on CD than MAG.
So here is my question.. CD are you that desperate to get to the second place?
I just wanted to play fair that’s all it is not that I am blaming all of CD who plays fair
I just dont like certain guild who are trying to ruin your reputation.

[kiwi] Gamers World – SBI
Ms Frozen – 80 Human Mesmer [Commander]