Showing Highly Rated Posts By Fyrebrand.4859:

Please Reconsider Legendary Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


As they exist right now, Legendary weapons are absolutely the most un-Guild Wars 2 concept in the game. So much of the items and activities surrounding the endgame revolve entirely around Legendaries, yet to go after one demands a dramatic shift in play style through massive amounts of sheer farming and grinding. Traditional MMOs would blush to be seen with such monotonous chores.
It’s true, they are really fantastic-looking items, and I don’t deny that I really, really, really want one. But, my desire to attain a Legendary is overshadowed a hundredfold by my disgust with the process I would have to endure to get there.

It’s not that I’m unwilling to play the game to its fullest extent, expose myself to a variety of content, and “do the work” to earn one. But, so much of what you’re asking us to do is borderline inhumane. It’s not challenging, it doesn’t require “mastery” of the game, and it certainly isn’t anything I’d consider an “honorable” achievement. In short, there is nothing “legendary” about acquiring these weapons at all.

Please reconsider the method for acquiring Legendary weapons. Below, I have weighed in on several of the steps involved…

100% Map Completion: It’s a mammoth task, but is achievable by anybody with enough commitment. Anyone who has finished this has shown their merit.

Max Crafting: This makes sense, but it’s currently handled in a very strange way. There’s this concept of a “precursor” weapon that gets upgraded into the Legendary, but that weapon is not crafted at all. Instead, the crafting is relegated to a nondescript “gift”, which is basically just a pile of raw materials. How weird is that?
Instead, have us craft a base weapon. It can have a higher cost of materials than a normal exotic, but essentially our mastery of crafting should lead to the practical “weapon” part of the equation. Don’t require crafting just for the sake of it; have it make sense.

Personal Story Completion: Unless I’m mistaken, this is not technically a requirement, and that’s really strange. I would hesitate to say that someone who has not even finished the personal story deserves a “Legendary” reward.

Dungeon Completion: I don’t know that every path of Explorable Mode should necessarily be required, but surely finishing Story Mode for each dungeon is reasonable. What is not reasonable is scraping together 500 tokens by grinding the same dungeon over and over.