Showing Posts For Gaarik.6804:
Can we please have Arena net team to confirm that this software is legal to use?
Many things have already been said by other people that i agree with, so i will try to add something from my self.
The things i liked:
1. Job diversity: i love about gw 2 that there are different roles that are being filled by players that are different from ordinary “holy trinity”. The idea of having a need for a boon stripper or a dedicated controller is very good and it makes people feel important. One of thing that was lacking before in instance content of gw 2 was that the diversity of roles was not important. Yes , having a might “stacker” or a reflector would make some encounters easy, but roles (not specifically these) were usually filled by 1-2 players from 5 which makes more than 50% of people feel unimportant.
2. The learning curve: i like when we players are not treated like mentally challenged and are meant to learn the mechanics by our selves by hitting our faces into the brick walls(in my opinion it is very important socially for a guild to tackle problems together). In the end those people that don’t like it , can use guides.
3. Gear: i think that it is good that we need latest gear to complete the boss, because that gives purpose to work on gear (i was running rares first 2 years of my game time and had no incentive to go exotic or ascended till i started doing fractals higher levels)
Also it is nice to have specific things needed to be readied by the guild before the raid, like some specific resistance amulet crafted from materials every one in guild pitched in for.
The things i did not like or might not like:
1. Trash: from what i understood you made 3 mini bosses as mechanic teachers, but no trash mobs. In my opinion, trash mobs or specific trash encounters (like igniting 3 torches at the same time) is nice touch that livens the raid between boss encounters, and to bad you did not have that in this raid, though i hope i am mistaken and that is only the first boss.
2. Repetitive mechanics: i cannot say if that is something that you did , because we did only 1 boss, but would be nice if we did not need the same exact things every boss( i mean having x amount of condy player, x cc, x healers) so that the bosses will have some kind of diversity. I think that would be nice if people would need to change builds to specific encounters.
3. Drop rates: i understood that the drop rates are gonna be 100% of something dropped, but i am afraid that is gonna take away the replay-ability of the raids. Or the need to go on next raids , once you unlocked your legendary armor. Though if the raids are gonna be hard, it wont be a problem because most people will loose more time trying.
4. Unseen red circles: the boss would some times put aoe that would port players away, and if you have players that have a lot of circles them selves, it is almost impossible to see the boss attack. Don’t know how you should address it , since i like the visuals of the game and would not want you to change them. But one thing is certain, the birds that ranger summons with war horn should not grow with the monster they are attacking.
Something general:
In my opinion the raid was hard enough, for some people to fail it in first 10 seconds. In addition, i think there should be more randomality in the raid, it seemed as if the some attacks of the boss were timed, and i bet some players might have apps working that would time the attacks of the bosses , which would make the encounter way easier then it should be. It would be nice if the boss suddenly pulled a skill when no one anticipated it.I think it ll add to replay ability of the raids and wont make raids feel mundane, though it might cause problems like some times the players will get lucky and the boss will use the ability at the most comfortable moment and sometimes the other way around.( i don’t know about other players , but i really hate to rely on luck)