Showing Posts For Gabi.6985:
1- put up your EXP boosts and do the same event over and over till you get bored.
2- Relog and do the same thing.
I bought HoT because i was excited by the new elite spec, the new class: the Revenant, and a few new maps, i think i won’t be alone if i’m saying i can only play around 5hours a week because of a bunch of things including work.
Now, I started playing yesterday and all i could do is farming that amazingly boring event over and over and over to get the mastery to explore the entire map and then do the HP where in reality you cannot do this all by your own(solo players yes).
I tought by playing during the beta that the elite specialisation would be acquired by doing some stuff regarding the story, but hell no you have to do 400HP. With my 5 hours a week and if you count the mastery farm to go further in the story it will takes ages, and i might unlock the elite spec (With only 1 char) when i will finish hot story line ?
I’m okay with unlocking things but seriously in this expantion you HAVE to GRIND everything, you can’t pass trought the first map if you havent grind the same event for hours and so the story.
WP anet… a player who started in Profecy.
that’s what happen when all developers are “busy” with HoT and let Trainee do the coding of their new “event”. lol sorry for that bad joke !
I farmed this mastery in about 4 hours with some xp boosting i got from PvP instance (bank) and yes i can’t unlock it since we dont have any points^^’