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How about nerfing the OP hills?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gadzooks.4687


Seriously. Hills are OP. Im not talking about cliffs. Take a wrong step, or leap off a cliff…. SPLAT… dead. Thats fair, thats balanced. Learn to pay more attention, learn to judge distances better, or even, trait the falling trait for less damage.

But hills? You know, those inclines that arent a straight drop off. The ever so casual, slanted in elevation, slopes that you can even sometimes run down without the percieved notion that you will be airborn for a period of time? (see diagram below)
Yeah. We all know these. Hills. OP to the max. Just went you think its safe to skip and dance down that hill, BAM, SUPER SECRET STEALTH MULTI ATTACK ALPHA STRIKE 5x for 4000 damage each!

Cliff               Hill
___                ___
      |                      \\
      |                        \\  ---------- Super secret mega strike ability here
      |                          \\
      |_____                \\_________ 

“But I only moved 5 feet down the hill, why did I take so much damage???”

L2pla…. er… wait a minute…. no seriously… no amount of edumication or lernin is gonna keep you safe here. Hills and inclines are just THAT powerful. Sneaky too. Whats worse, you have ZERO chance of retaliating against them. Thats ALMOST as bad as thieves (almost)

One might say “Its just a bug”
Is it? IS IT??

Ask yourself… Which is more likely? That anet developers were SO bad in their programming of simple falling physics that it created a horrible bug that can often kill you for moving 2 feet down a hill (highly unlikely scenario right?)…. OR… Some dev was fed up with how underpowered hills have been for years in mmo’s, and took it upon himself to make them so OP that players would forever remember the terror of the downward incline?

Either way… its time for a change… Its time for this blatant abuse of power and destruction to be brought back down to a level that is more what one would expect from hills.

What say you devs? Can we see a nerf to Hills any time in the near future? Or will these continue to be the single most surprise killer in the world of GW2?