I have the same issue. From Sunday no one responds to my problem. I bought CE for 150eur and can not play due to missupgrade of serial key. As almost all of here, I accidentally created another account(from which I’m writing here now, because original one is suspended and can not log in to forum), the problem is written on ticket #120902-009634.
It’s true as have mentioned above, that the problem solving takes about 5 minutes, not more, but no one does anything about it…
A bought a gameplay, not a bad support team work. I haven’t got any e-mails about how to upgrade account, no info was in physical box, nothing… Not to mention that there weren’t sent to me any info about upgrading at all.
Anyway, for a problem, which solving takes about 5 minutes – I can’t play with my original acc from Sunday!
What kind of support priority from A-net I bought, when spent 150eur?