Showing Posts For Gambit.5168:

Doing nothing about exploits

in PvP

Posted by: Gambit.5168


Great post Folly. This is exactly everything in my mind put into better words and typed out.

Hotfix or disable game breaking bugs as soon as they have come to light. Letting them be exploitable for months on end is unacceptable. Because these exploits have been allowed to go on for so long, people are starting to see them as “OK to do” or “can’t win without them any more” which is so unbelievably wrong. Exploiters should get punished, not ignored and/or rewarded.

*NEW* [Tarnished Coast] Recruiting Women/Couples ~ PvE Focused

in Guilds

Posted by: Gambit.5168


My wife might be interested in this

[PvP Video's] Build, Tourny, and Montage Vids

in Thief

Posted by: Gambit.5168


Hey guys, I’m Sicarius. I’m posting this weeks after the video’s have been uploaded due to some forum issues that were recently resolved. Anyway these videos were filmed in early September and I’ve been very busy so I haven’t come out with anything new. This weekend I plan to start on my new “Mini Guide” series, which will basically be lots of small videos explaining various things. Thief vs “XYZ Class” or Effective Treb Killing or Teleport Spots, and so on. Make sure to subscribe so you know when those are coming out. And of course, I’ll be making more game play and commentary videos.

Updated build is linked in the Description of each Video.
Recently broke 8k views and 80 subs so thanks to any that have already watched. Enjoy!





Also, if anyone knows why I can’t embed the videos let me know.

(edited by Gambit.5168)


in PvP

Posted by: Gambit.5168


Play a class that has to actually WORK for burst damage (Elementalist for example), and then play a Thief, you’ll see how stupid easy it is to burst as a thief. They don’t need a damage nerf, they need their playstyle difficulty increased.

Typical D/D Elementalist “damage rotation”
Start in Air
Ride the Lightning (4)
Updraft (5)
Signet of Earth (Util)
Shocking Aura (3)

Swap to Fire

Burning Speed (3)
Ring of fire (4)
Drake’s Breath (2)
Fire Grab (5)

Swap to Water

Frost Aura (4)
Frozen Burst (3)
Cleansing Wave (5)
Cone of Cold (2)

Swap to Earth

Magnetic Grasp (Or Signet of Earth if its back up) (3)
Earthquake (4)
Armor of Earth (Util)
Churning Earth (5)

After that it takes an on-the-fly assessment on what to switch to next.

Assassin Signet
Heartseeker Heartseeker Heartseeker

I guarantee you just did more damage than my Elementalist.

Nerf the damage? Maybe its not neccessary, just nerf how kitten easy it is to achieve it.

First of all you are bursting wrong on ele LOL.

2nd of all, no thief does that. The popular is dancing dagger, pistol whip or backstab. Anyone who used assassin signet with steal is a moron.
Thief right now is like this:
Devourer venom or Basilisk Venom
Cloak and Dagger
Assassin Signet

And fyi, in my guild we always say an ele who needs earth signet to land damage is a bad ele. If you are bursting start out in water and do frost aura for fury, swap wind and do ride, updraft, swap fire, (arcane power if you chose it over survive), burning speed, arcane wave(traited burn for fire grab), ring of fire, fire grab (god dont drakes breath), swap earth, earth 2, earth 4, swap water, cone of cold. If its not dead swap air and shocking aura/whip to death as it should be at like 10%.

[Video's] Thief PvP guide, tourny play, and montage

in PvP

Posted by: Gambit.5168


Hey guys, I’m Sicarius. I’m posting this weeks after the video’s have been uploaded due to forum issues that were recently resolved. Anyway these videos were filmed in early September and I’ve been very busy so I haven’t come out with anything new. This weekend I plan to start on my new “Mini Guide” series, which will basically be lots of small videos explaining various things. Thief vs “XYZ Class” or Effective Treb Killing or Teleport Spots, and so on. Make sure to subscribe so you know when those are coming out. And of course, I’ll be making more game play and commentary videos.

Recently broke 7k views and 70 subs so thanks to any that have already watched.

Build Video, updated in description

Pre-made Tourny Commentary

Pug Tourny Commentary

Montage w/ leftover footage