Showing Posts For GamerGirl.1496:
Still bugged on Tarnished Coast as well.
This sentence is what has me worried about the new gear.
Quote from Linsey’s blog post:
“Eventually, you’ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content.”
No one was ever supposed to have an “edge”. Ever.
The day I am asked to link my armor/weapon to prove my gear is “worthy” of joining an event/group is the day I will quit GW2.
I was promised since BWE2 that I would never have to do mindless grinding for “better gear” and that I could play the game how I wanted to play it, never having to do events/dungeons/content that I didn’t enjoy. So…ANet, keep your promise!
“Catch that necro before they get to far ahead of us.”
I’m not sure where to post this so I thought this may be an appropriate place. I was looking at this page today:
And when I clicked on the featured video for the asura, one of the advertisements at the bottom of the video was for a Halloween Promo to receive a 10% discount on gold for GW2 through a 3rd party site O.o
Not sure how the selection process for these ads works but I thought GW2 would like to know about this info so maybe they can take some action to get the advertisement removed.
I understand what your saying and thank you for finding a response from another thread. But, there should be more than a slim chance…
Because using crusty to describe a muffin is not offensive to muffins!
Who needs protected from a muffin? Since you don’t work for Anet, I will wait for them to confirm that it won’t be reversed.
I just got kicked from the game and it said I was banned for inappropriate behavior. When I tried to log my character (who’s a level 80 asura) back in it says I have to rename it. So apparently my name has offended someone and they have reported me?
But what I want to know….why is the name Crusty Muffin an inappropriate name? It’s a name that describes a FOOD product. I don’t know, I guess someone who really has a perverted mind may somehow feel that I’ve trying to slip past the radar with a secretive sexual innuendo behind my name…but I mean really?
I’d like for someone to look into this issue for me please.
I managed to make it to level 80 and no one seemed to be offended!! I’d like to know what could possibly be offensive about the name?
And why am I just now being reported if it is so inappropriate?
FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: GamerGirl.1496
WOW! My asura thanks you!!! No more bumps on the head or falling in cracks on hillsides!!
1st image is beta view and 2nd is normal. I’m in same position zoomed all way out in both images.
I love the running animation especially if she is carrying something. It looks so childlike…kind of like she taking her new shiny and going around trying to find someone to show it to. The idol grin can be a bit cheesy at times but I can live with it.
A sylvari female running really isn’t any worse than the hair flipping and never ending stretching motion that female humans do. >.>
I agree as well, it is very annoying and a bit scary at times.
But I do like how she says “I’ve never been here before” when she discovers a new area. She sounds so excited and I love the slight accent.
Favorite- Sylvari (their unique and love the story line), centaurs, grubs
Least Favorite – any Risen with duel axes
If being a “cabbage head” had been the OP’s “thing” then the OP would have known that whips are already used in the game by players and NOT just NPC’s. I’m a Sylvari Necro and near the beginning of my personal story I used a whip on the wardens when I broke out of prison (I won’t spoil details). It’s been awhile and I don’t remember the exact skills used but I do remember one being a skill that wrapped around enemies and tripped them. The very first time I got a chance to crack that whip I said I wanted one to use permanently. So I will give this thread a +1.
/signed by cabbage head who’s cracked the whip in GW2
I am a level 80 sylvari necro and I love it! I played a norn necro during beta 2-3 and I loved it as well. I took my time getting to level 80 because I wanted to enjoy exploring the map and participating in as many DE’s as possible. I made an alt ranger that I occasionally play when I get tired of the mat grind in Orr but my necro is and will always be my main! There were a few times along my journey to 80 that I did get frustrated but I kept going and I’m very happy that I did. I have no problems with killing mobs in Orr, I am at the final boss kill for my personal story chain, I have 2 crafts at level 400 and I’m patiently working to complete my armor set for WvW.
Yes, necros need some things fixed but I am willing to wait it out. I may not deal the most damage (which is fine by me…I’d rather lurk in the shadows causing significant damage over time) and I may lack a bar full of boons but I can hold my own with this profession! For those people on the this forum who continuously put this class down…I say go play your guardian, mesmer, theif alts and stop complaining about necros! Obviously, this profession is one that you can’t manage properly so move along to one that is MUCH less challenging…
This is still broken as of today on Stormbluff Isle.