Showing Posts For Gapaw.8674:
To Kouken
Really? Want to show your audience how it is done? What server you are on and your in game name.. I be glad and few other who like a demonstration of how its done. It time to walk that talk bud. Until then, you blow smoke screen and talk out of your butt..If you do make it happen which i doubt.I will say you are the master until then keep dreaming..
Search for Mike Floryan, on youtube…
And start learning. Kouken is right, you have much to learn my dear beginner.
By no means i am no rookie..Must be Kouken is your guild mate..I got a Video coming up soon showing me pawning Rangers on a Lvl 35 Thief with squishy lvl 35 gear compare to their lvl 80.. Since you dont have the gall to challenge me proves even more i am correct…So please go back on the porch Pup, you are not top dog and you dont walk the talk..Keep dreaming my Dear wishful thinking.. Like i said the Only thing Rangers are good for is PVE and support in the mist..That is it!
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As you watch the Video coming up soon. You will see the Rangers striking me first.As you painfully watch how fast i take them down..When it comes to pvp the rangers are no match. Oh heck the ele/mages give more of a fight than the rangers
(edited by Gapaw.8674)
A Ranger that knows how to play is a very very dangerous thing so keep coming for me I want you to. Ignorance is bliss.
I will call your bluff..Every Ranger i seen had died in 15 seconds or less. Not to mention how many i have taken out in the mist..Ranger are no good for pvp period…Just swallow your pride i probably had killed you in the mist as well..
while i’m not disagree-ing nor agreeing with you, 15 seconds is either a hyperbole or plain false. while it is rare nowadays, the condi-regen build can last a decent amount of time in 1v1’s with very little effort (not to say it doesn’t take skill).
and if you’ve played pvp for more than a week, chances are you’ve ran into a couple of these builds.
Not to mention there’s a ranger in the competitive field (i believe. i’ve never actually kept up with it)
even glassbow rangers can last a long time if you play defensively and know what you’re doing
edit: for the sake of contributing something to the topic, I think the fact that the same people who complain about all rangers being bad (and that they kill rangers “all the time” )are generally the same people that cry for ranger nerfs. that speaks for itself, imo.
Why would a ranger play defensive?Just admit the offense suxs? When it comes hand to hand combat up close they are finish ie Mist or Pvp.Further more the farther away you are the more damage you deal with a bow.(You could say that is part defense being father back). If the Bow did its Job like it should, i would not need a weak pet to make up the difference for my Bow..LOL The only thing that the Bow has good going for it is the rapid fire..Once you use the rapid fire the Ranger is dead meat and i am going to nail you to the ground with my thief.. BTW I play ranger so i know what they can and cannot do..When i play thief i never lost a fight with a ranger they are to easy.
A Ranger that knows how to play is a very very dangerous thing so keep coming for me I want you to. Ignorance is bliss.
I will call your bluff..Every Ranger i seen had died in 15 seconds or less. Not to mention how many i have taken out in the mist..Ranger are no good for pvp period…Just swallow your pride i probably had killed you in the mist as well..
So if you think rangers are good…why all the gw2 community ALWAYS FOCUS ON RANGER FIRST ?? We all know ranger is totally broken that s why it s Always the first target and that’ s why they Always die for first.
I’ m sorry but Anet has made too many mistakes with rangers. They showed simply no love to them…that’ s why so many rangers have quitted during these 3 years.
You are not going to tell some players the truth. They get their behind hurt when you do or they make up excuse.. I have a Lvl 80 archer with two sets of Armor one is Carrion the other is berserker. I switch between them along with my traits, bows and other goodies i have. Ranger is only good for is PVE as for PVP they are useless..They are ok for WvW support with a (Group)..I made a Thief now all most at lvl 35 I pawn a lot of Rangers in WvW with squishy 35 lvl gear What even more funny I can teleport my self with a BOW (Whats wrong with this picture)and i am a thief..ROFL…Yeah Anet needs to over haul the Rangers to make them better.. Oh i even had one player stated that the pets are bugged that is why they are weak..LOL More Excuses.. People just admit the Rangers stinks and needs a over haul..
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(edited by Gapaw.8674)
To Kouken
Really? Want to show your audience how it is done? What server you are on and your in game name.. I be glad and few other who like a demonstration of how its done. It time to walk that talk bud. Until then, you blow smoke screen and talk out of your butt..If you do make it happen which i doubt.I will say you are the master until then keep dreaming..
Uh oh, I’m scared now. It’s okay. We know you’re bad. Didn’t even disapprove my points and charged right at the player. You’re just showing you forgot the game mechanics, don’t know how to trait away from zerkbow, and lost to every class in the game, even a mimic ranger. You lose your battles because…well…my first post. But have fun being a thief. Can’t wait for your next post of you QQing about rapid fire and stealth.
Well i am still waiting Hot lips..Whats you game name and server? So that i can smack you down with my thief.. Then come back here and say how easy you are for being a under power ranger…lol Like i said.. i have a lvl 80 ranger and they are worthless. You are just a baby and to hurt to realize i am telling the truth…Come on Hot lips lets see your POWER RANGER! ROFL
PS edit… If you pray hard enough they might fix the pet and be stronger than you…LOL
(edited by Gapaw.8674)
To Kouken
Really? Want to show your audience how it is done? What server you are on and your in game name.. I be glad and few other who like a demonstration of how its done. It time to walk that talk bud. Until then, you blow smoke screen and talk out of your butt..If you do make it happen which i doubt.I will say you are the master until then keep dreaming..
Unless you like to become a support that is all they are good for..
The pet is useless and the Bow is useless in a one on one battle. I feel like i am more of a cleric/supporter than a ranger in the Mists..Other People Character have more immunity against the ranger it is all most impossible to win..I switch character and became a thief and i have not lost a match with a ranger or a so called Mages they are easy to beat.If you like to heal and support and have a weak pet. This class is for you..Other than that dont expect anything else..