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Can we please get the Batwing Brew for cobs? [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gardner.8723


the batwing brew isnt even the problem, its the kitten linseed oils! 5g a piece and you need 300!

That is hardly a problem. With time, the prices wil go down on linseed oils. People gather flax, GHs finish their needs for them.

The brew however will only rise in price once the supply dry up. Give us the recpie that we were supposed to get get in 2014, and it is no longer a problem.

As of now, the Nightfury is just unfriendly for most people. And if Anet wants it to be a goldsink, then increase the supply of brew. If ten times more make the shoulders, they will buy more on the TP. And the 15% goldsink will steal away far more money then if only 1/10 of the richest players were to do it.

And it would remove alot of heat from Anet.

Can we please get the Batwing Brew for cobs? [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gardner.8723


Mayhaps it is a drop. Just with even rarer droprate than percursors…

Can we please get the Batwing Brew for cobs? [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gardner.8723


I am still awaiting for that recipe you promised us… last year. Where is it? I know you are have been busy with working on new content, and I am well aware that you are attempting to remove gold from those that got a lot.

Reality is however that you are ruining it for the average Joe. The flax prices will go down, the market will stabilize. However, the supply of Endless Batwing brew will go up up and upwards until you need a ladder to reach the top, simply to place a bid.

Adding the recipe you spoke of, will hurt the flippers and make a lot of people very very happy.

I fear you have taken a shower with gasoline and is now playing with a match. Please, stop playing with matches and do what you were supposed to do last year.

I am not mad at this point, just numb to see that you have mistaken goldsinks for hard work. I am just very very disappointed with you Anet.