Showing Posts For Gavi.9538:

[CoF] Call of Fate (JQ) still recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gavi.9538


We are still seeking more players for regular havoc groups, as well as those who enjoy core PVE activities such as dungeons, and fractals, and anyone for large-scale (zerg) WvW.

Casual players are always welcome, as we do not have a 100% rep requirement.

CoF runs regular small group raiding parties in WvW. We’ve been known to 5 man a keep (or a Garrison, if I’m feeling particularly stabby!) We accept all play-styles. The current population is skewed toward Pacific US time zone, but we do have members in other timezones.

Guilds seeking to consolidate rosters or those just seeking ally status are also encouraged to apply.

The only requirement for members is this: don’t be a troll. Harassment of other players, trolling, or exploiting will absolutely not be tolerated.

Message me here or in-game for more information.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


The folks who decided to duel outside of Hills on JQBL around 5-6pm server time on Tuesday: that the kitten were you thinking? I tried to get the zerglings to swing wide around you, but come on… half the time I’m lucky to have 50% of the people in TS or listening to map chat. You had to know that some random chucklehead would break up your party.

All I’m saying is, next time, pick a better gorram place. I might not be so forgiving, in the future.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


This thread is disappointing. It needs the Word of Jedsus.

Also, yaks are tasty. Thank you TC for not using 15 people to escort your yaks. (Glares at SoR)

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

Call of Fate on JQ seeking havoc members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Call of Fate [CoF] on JQ is seeking 2-3 members for our havoc squad.

1. Havoc squads run small -group tactics in support of the larger map forces. We take and hold camps, harass enemy supply lines, and kill those trying to do the same to us.

2. We are seeking members who can start playing at 8pm Pacific time, as our existing squad members are all Pacific coast residents. Availability for re-set night (starting at 6pm Pacific) is a bonus, but not a requirement.

3. Mobility is key. You absolutely must be spec’d or geared to provide a speed boost to yourself or the group.

4. TS is required UNLESS you have a physical disability preventing use of TS. Exceptions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

5. You will be required to represent Call of Fate while running in our group. Otherwise, you may rep other guilds. [CoF] is an established (12+ years), multi-game guild with guild missions, events, and buffs available. More info at

6. Those transferring servers will be assisted with costs.

Interested parties should contact Gavi.9538 in-game or on these forums.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Props to the (clinically insane) SoR individual who showed up at south Hills on JQBL Saturday night SOLO. He/she got all the way into the inner gate in his/her omega golem.

I’ve been known to 4 man a garrison door just to kitten y’all off, but solo Omega rushing a keep? That’s a whole new level of crazy.


Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

8/2 Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry/Maguuma

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Also, thanks to [RET] and [RAM] for some fun fights at NW supply camp on JQBL

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

8/2 Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry/Maguuma

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Something about a boat…

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

7/19: JQ/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Also, to that group of FA necros and friends ( 4 of you) who hung out in JQ Dreaming Bay: I hate you so hard. Seriously embarrassed me there. I couldn’t even kill one of you. I had to call friends. Well done.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

7/19: JQ/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


I hope next week match up (yes Anet, i know you read our forums and yes i know the RNG is actually manually determined) is

JQ vs TC vs SoR

That would be awesome

No, no it wouldn’t. JQ VS TC vs DB, THAT would be fun.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

7/19: JQ/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


I’ve been recovering and so haven’t been around, yet, to welcome TC and FA to the Holy Quarry of Jedsus. My deepest apologies.

You’ve proven yourselves worthy opponents.

TC has some great map awareness and seems to love a good open field scrum. Also, you seem to have figured out how to have arrow carts manning your arrow carts with a side of arrow carts and …OW!

FA keeps pushing, despite being out-manned. You aren’t afraid to sneak in and sandwich us while we’re taking an objective. That’s a great big clankin’ set of brass ones y’all got there. Good on ya!

And my beloved JQ’ers come together and refute the the baseless, bitter, idiotic, petty, accusations of “toxic community” as only we can: by stabbing faces, cutting throats, smashing kneecaps, and laughing manically at each other as we do so.

Fight on!

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Also, to the TSYM and others who used a portal bomb to clear my turtling crew out of that supply camp next to ogrewatch:

Well played.

Seriously, that was utterly painful but we had a good laugh over it. Excellent use of tactics.


Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


While it is against my better judgement, and hard earned experience, to feed the trolls, I feel it necessary to correct the errors of my honored opponent and war corespondent Onyx.

Oh yes RISE and other BG wiped the JQ forces many times at Klovan. I’m sure they had many bags. Even our own side was giving us grief for continuously throwing ourselves at the meat grinder of the BG zerg.

It was not fun. It hurt. It hurt our egos and our repair bills, and we lost many puglings who rage quit.

But you know what was going on during all of that? BG had no supply. They had to keep repairing arrow carts and walls and doors. They had no supply. They had to keep running back to save Klovan and never once (saving a take of Durios 20 minutes after reset which we took right back) threatened a JQ or SoR objective. They had no supply.

So what happened when we launched treb attacks at Klovan and Jerrifer? They couldn’t repair. They couldn’t hold us off. They lost their keep to a double fronted attack from JQ and SoR. (No it wasn’t planned. Trust me, we were cursing that SoR took it from us). They tried to pincer us at Golanta to take out trebs and got owned.

And you know what else happened? When SoR turned on us, they found that our keep was fully upgraded with a waypoint, all of our towers were fortified and seiged up, and that we’d had all night with full supply to prepare for defense.

Onyx would have known all of this, had he actually been using his superior numbers to attack instead of having to defend Klovan all night.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

6/7 DragonBrand/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Dear [Merc]in BG bl: MY keep. Go play in Hills, you cannot have Bay.
Also: all your south belong to us.

Fun fights tonight from both sides and the 3-way smashfest in SE camp was epic. (Sadface that I died with bags all around me.)

See y’all tomorrow…er later today.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

New matchup system (official info)

in WvW

Posted by: Gavi.9538


“Is Kaineng better than Jade Quarry? Before we never knew, but soon they might get a chance to prove it.”

Laughed so hard it pulled something. I pity anyone T3 or below that gets matched with Sanctum of Rall, Blackgate, OR Jade Quarry.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

The Lag in JQ BL (NA Tier #1)

in WvW

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Weirdest thing I’ve seen in a while that didn’t involve certain JQ commanders, a jar of mayonnaise and a shaved dolyak.

You know the rules. What happens in the van, STAYS in the van.

Moderator: thanks for passing the disconnect issue along to the team. We anxiously await an update.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

The Lag in JQ BL (NA Tier #1)

in WvW

Posted by: Gavi.9538


This is getting so old that I threw myself against SoR crazy zergs in SoR BL (green) just so I wouldn’t have to deal with crazy disconnects in JQ BL (red).

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


BG was outmanned on SoR BL last night? Really? BG had a medium sized force there taking towers (and chasing me around).

But, to answer your question: I’m a JQ die hard.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Thanks to all the SoR and BG who came out to play on SoR borderlands last night for NA primetime and beginning of SEA primetime. And I mean ALL of the people who came out: all 50 bajillion of you.

Outmanned buff is my friend. Never once had to pay for repairs and gathered stupid amounts of rare and exotics.

Sorry I don’t have video of the TW led 40? 50? player zerg that chased my five man group all over the map. Also sorry I don’t have SS of our party chat because it involved a lot of “Are they still back there?” and “They found us! flee!”

We, who are about to eat your yak flesh, salute you.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


You there, BG. What is your profession?
I’m a cursed shore farmer sir.
And you, JQer. What is your profession?
CoFer, sir,
CoFer… and you?
You see old friends, we brought more soldiers then you did.

While we are proud members of the JQ community, CoF (call of Fate) is not THE profession for the whole server.
Thanks for the shout-out though :P

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Wow. That was fast for jq to claim 2v1

Nah, early was when we saw it right out of the gate. It was clear, blatant, and a good strategy by the two servers. What I wasn’t doing, however, was complaining. You see, I’m seeing something happening that’s slowly backfiring on the other two servers. I’m seeing players getting really, really good at fighting much larger forces and winning. You all are making us so much better at this that at some point, once the rest of the server realizes this and gets that little taste for blood back, it’s going to come around again in a most wonderful fashion. Four hours of constant double teaming out of the gate. No camps, except for flipping back north on occasion for our meager pittance of supply. The towers gone, non-stop treb fire from the NE and the NW. A freaking golem rush, three hours in, to hit a north central gate that we managed to repair, after being down, to about 25%. BG on top of the Lords room with multiple arrowcarts for so long they were having pizza and porta-potties delivered.

And we held.

This isn’t a complaint about 2v1. I’m bragging about it.

And OMG it was so much fun. Thanks for the epic fights, BG and SoR.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

JQ wants YOU! (Recruitment thread!)

in WvW

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Red-headed female commanders who enjoy stabbing faces and the mocking of enemies. Also, adorable Southern and Aussie accents abound in the server TS. What more do you need?

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

2 Old School PvPers look for WvW guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Gavi.9538


Call of Fate is always looking for more WvW players. We’re on Jade Quarry.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

Looking for Guild [JQ]

in Guilds

Posted by: Gavi.9538


You’re welcomed to check out Call of Fate [CoF].

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings

Call of Fate [CoF] seeking EU players

in Guilds

Posted by: Gavi.9538


The Call of Fate is seeking active EU timezone players looking for a home on Jade Quarry. We are happy to accept new players, current JQ players who need a new guild home, and player transfers.

Also, guilds looking to move to JQ who would like to merge with [CoF] are welcome to contact me. Call of Fate offers the ability to enjoy the benefits of a fully upgraded, active guild, while still maintaining your previous guild “identity” via our “house” system.

More about Call of Fate can be found here:
I am Gavi.9538 and can be contacted here or in-game.

Gavi of Call of Fate [CoF]
JQ Mistress of face-stabbings