Showing Posts For Gene Parmesan.4732:
First time posting on the forums, and forums in general. I usually avoid them. But I just wanted to voice my opinion on how discouraging I find this. Part of the appeal of Guild Wars 2, for me, was the simple fact that if I was tired of it I could put it down and, whenever I felt like playing it again, just jump right back in without losing much if anything.
Gear treadmills change that. Not only do I end up having to play catch up on gear in order to enjoy a full PvE experience, I must similarly grind out that very same PvE in order to be on an even level in WvWvW, where I spend a good bulk of my time when playing GW2. There’s no real way to spin this other than a power creep, however slight, and one that currently requires you to do PvE content in order to fully access. I like PvE; but I also liked feeling as if I only had to do PvE if I liked the way a particular piece of armor or weapon looked, or if I just liked the dungeon content.
It’s too late to change the implementation of this now, probably, but I for one am not looking forward to it, to future Ascendant gear, or to the way this seems to contradict the original intentions of the game’s mechanics. Please don’t continue down this path. Stick towards making cosmetic gear.