Showing Posts For Gibn.3094:
My Mesmer mainly wields phantasm weapon skins.
While It would be cool, if you could add a special sheathe/draw animation to those, I also think a simple option to toggle show/hide sheathed weapons, would be equally as imersive, while being easier to implement.
This way it will add a tiny, but awesome immersive feeling, when wielding magic composed weapons, such as chaos and phantasm skins.
This also gives players the ability to better enjoy the look of their backpieces, which I for one, had to work hard to get (I got chaos of lyssa).
It is a little annoying when my sheathed two-handed weapons, clip with my backpeice.
While we do spend a lot of our time fighting, it would be nice, to be able to enjoy some backpeices in their full glory, while running about out of combat.
Would also be nice if this option, only affected your own character, so if others have chosen to show their sheathed weapons, they would still NOT see yours, if you yourself have toggled “hide”.
How about a chaos magic themed harvest bundle?
Have each swing have a change to earns a random harvested material, from the harvested nodes corresponding tier.
E.g. You may earn a random lettuce, when harvesting from a copper ore, and vice versa.
You could make it function akin to the watchwork Mining pick, and have the random material, be an additional harvest, but I personally think that would make this bundle far to superior, compared the other harvest tools.
Perhaps have the random material replace one intended harvest material, at a random interval.
Then you will mainly get ores when harvesting an ore node, but still have a change to get something else. This way, when you have the full bundle, you are encouraged to harvest any node you come across, regardless of your personal need for that particular node.
I always seem to only run into anything but the particular node I’m looking for, and this would encourage me to just grab them, instead of ignoring them, since it would in theory make up for the “loss” i get when i find the node I’m searching for.
That, and these tools would suit my chaos themed Mesmer ^^