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Still worth buying Deluxe edition?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ginja.2970


Hi there Qugi,

I meant the ultimate edition, if i still buy it now will i get the perks? Less of course, the veteran character slot.

Thanks mate

Still worth buying Deluxe edition?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ginja.2970


Hi all,

I wasnt able to purchase the game before it got released. If i buy the deluxe edition now will i still get all the perks, or was it only for pre purchasers? If thats the case id rather buy only the 45€ edition and spend the rest elsewhere.

Thanks in advantage,

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: Ginja.2970


the ready button is still needed, for quick build changes and strategy talk (in case of a pub team). For example i have 2 skills on my warrior that i change based on the other team composition, or even traits.

But i completly agree that it needs a redesign, because simply put i never got a match that started earlier. There are games that the talking exceeds the time so its understandable no one presses the ready button, but most of the time people are just semi-afk waiting for the timer to zero. It’s a minor tweak, but as minor as it gets, theres room for improvement. Might not be this patch, or the other, but the dev team should defiantly look at this.

beta times for EU is big joke

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ginja.2970


04:40-6:30 seems a bit unreasonable for people that need to work in the morning, but maybe they chose this time gaps to allow more people to join. Imagine if they did only one big beta event from 18:00-24:00, people working on the nightshift wouldnt be able to join. This way, theres a little bit for everyone, but its just a bit ^^

Yea 50 hours of farming for 2/4/6 hours of beta (hopefully you can participate in the 3 events) seems kinda exagerated, but hey its a exclusive chance to participate and get a taste of this new expansion so hurray for that.

As for me, i didn’t get invited for beta, so yea i would happily trade 50 hours for a chance to play HoT, even for 2 hours!


EDIT: i think the idea of doing this schedules was not to allow everyone to play the 3 events, but to rather allow every single player invited, the chance to play at least one. for example, people that work the regular time, can play 20:30-22:30. People that play at night go for the 00:30-02:30 or 04:30-6:30. Maybe the time gaps could have been picked more appropriatly, but thats another story.

(edited by Ginja.2970)