Showing Posts For Giovanni.7854:

No Rage Against the War Machine Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Giovanni.7854


I don’t understand this, alot of people have the same problem the dungeon is available to them and when they complete it they don’t get the reward. If you should do things in a certain order you shouldn’t have made the dungeon available for those not meeting certain requirements. I don’t have much time to spend @ GW2 that’s why i play the game GW2 but i expect it to be straight forward and working. I payed my dues i completed the dungeon so i as a customer waiting patiently all these years for the game to come out want my FREAKING achievement. You can’t tell me to just RE RUN it. If i come to your store i pay for a candybar that you don’t give me you can’t tell me to get another candybar and pay for that one aswell come on what’s the point in that? I expect a better answer from anyone who is willing to take this complaint serious. Iám not happy about this and iám not letting myself be treated like a kid who’s nagging too much.

(edited by Giovanni.7854)