Showing Posts For GitzZz.7345:

We should celebrate!

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


I also quit playing to. They ruined ele and now they are just repackaging old content every two weeks.

That’s just like your opinion, man.

Elemental Surge+Freshair S/F Burst build

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


So I started using this today… Might be old news but whatever.

Great results so far, able to kill most people 1 v 1 due to high damage and survivability using elemental surge and arcane abilities in the right attunement. if you need more survivability you can always take final shielding instead of 20% faster recharge.

Yes mobility is reduced from S/D but you gain, knock back/daze/magnetic aura and invulnerability. Not to mention blind and immobilize from arcane skills used in earth and air attunements. Gale into dragons tooth combo is nice if they are out of stun breaks.

That’s just like your opinion, man.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


Its watercooled, even with everything on low with the new patch I barely hit 26fps. Ive never overclocked before.

That’s just like your opinion, man.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


I have an a8-3870K, ATI 7950 w/ 8 gigs of ram. Game runs like absolute garbage and its really annoying. barely get 26 fps in lions arch or wvw thus making the game not fun to play. Ive tried unparking the cores which had no effect and did the whole settings list and turned v sync on thing to but it made no difference.

Why would the game select everything on high for auto detection yet can barely run it on low settings.

That’s just like your opinion, man.

Is ele even worth it?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


Played Ele since launch and took a break a while back and re rolled warrior. Felt like I could basically slam my face into the keyboard and roll it back and forth and do what I was doing…it just wasn’t fun to me.

Now I don’t want to start a flame war, but I recently came back to the ele and im loving. I think people have way to many expectations of the class from what it used to be. Don’t feel even alittle tanky even in a bunker spec any more so, I figure why not just blow people up haha. Yes it is harder but its more fun and you have to be creative while playing like lightningflash-into-earthquake combos etc. Everyone complains we are weak but I ran this build earlier today and had TONS of fun and had no problem killing people whatsoever. Just my 2cents.

If you read these forums you will find that all people do is complain anyways if you like it play it.

Ele WVw S/d Burst

That’s just like your opinion, man.

Best option besides celestial?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


Divinity runes are the ticket ehh so $$$$ haha. I take it people use the 2/water/monk to synergize with sigil of battle allowing you to retain those stacks due to longer boon duration?

That’s just like your opinion, man.

Best option besides celestial?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


Thanks for the replies. Do you find that under 1600 toughness you just melt? I try to go for near that. Divinity runes or 2 water/monk/divinity?

That’s just like your opinion, man.

Best option besides celestial?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


Trying to gear myself correctly for WvW. Celestial gear takes to long to get and i dont have that kind of time.

Im in full knights right now, rings/access knights with celestial ammy. Im collecting a set of P/v/t gear but with the new content the temples are never open. Is there any other options for eles? Mixing Valk/Knights/Berserker? I just feel with less than 1,600 toughness however I die way to fast.

That’s just like your opinion, man.

Time to revisit Ele nerfs.

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


I have decent success with this as a d/d for roaming. Taking the 10 in earth for 10% damage as d/d seemed to help. You could also take bolt to the heart or the 10% damage in air attunement trait (+20% lightning whip damage) or put another 10 in water for vigor/regen cantrips.

That’s just like your opinion, man.

(edited by GitzZz.7345)

sPVP newbie

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


This is what im running now and getting ok results. The protection really helps from the auras.

That’s just like your opinion, man.

sPVP newbie

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


So I recently got into sPVP and I really like it, even topped the leaderboards a few times here and there but majority of the time I find myself getting owned in roughly 30 seconds by pretty much every other profession, and whatever class im fighting takes atleast 30 years to down. I use the 0/10/0/30/30 D/D ogre runes, energy and blood lust on weapons. If I use anything else I die even faster. I even tried the earth variant with 10% damage at 600 range.

It may be that I just suck, which is probably the case but even with 6-7 stacks of might from combo fields I barely do any damage and have to constantly run away. Anyone have any tips…Ive watched countless videos and read I think pretty much every guide out there but its no fun getting destroyed pretty much every game.

That’s just like your opinion, man.

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: GitzZz.7345


My ele. Gear is combo of Flame legion / acolyte. Cultural daggers and i think the dye is redemption, icing and iron.


That’s just like your opinion, man.