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cant log in, uninstall, reinstall or anything

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GladiatorUA.2351


Turns out, one the games bugged when exiting and hang around in the memory.
Somehow it interfered with GW2’s UI and blocked it from going to login screen or launching…………..
A reboot would’ve fixed it. Stopping the process of the game in question did.
Check your task manager or if you’re not sure, submit it here.

cant log in, uninstall, reinstall or anything

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GladiatorUA.2351


Messing with compatibility mode did nothing.
Found something interesting though. I renamed gw2.dat and even though the game doesn’t go to the login(and patching/downloading) screen, it created new gw2.dat and started downloading stuff. So it’s not completely broken. Tried messing with command line arguments like -autologin, -email, -password, -nopatchui. Achieved nothing. -nopatchui crashes the game.
Anet, are you there?

Also, flushing DNS didn’t help, and -diag results showed nothing wrong.

cant log in, uninstall, reinstall or anything

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GladiatorUA.2351


No. I get no error. Just the screen before login screen. Downloading 0KB (0KB/sec). Forever.
Replacing the gw2.exe and cleaning temp didn’t help. Gw2setup easily connects to the server and gets new version of the gw2.exe.

cant log in, uninstall, reinstall or anything

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GladiatorUA.2351


Has someone else encountered this problem?
Last time I had it(months ago) it fixed itself after a patch. I don’t want to wait for a patch.

Disconnecting Every Hour On the Dot

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GladiatorUA.2351


Seems like the problem is either with ISP or with a cable-modem if you have one.
Does the first DC happens exactly 60 minutes after you start the game?
If not run cmd (command line) and type “ping -t”. When you disconnect check if you lose packets to google at the same time. If you do, contact your ISP with your findings
If it does the something cuts your connection after 60 minutes. Try contacting your ISP with your findings.

Microsoft Surface Pro

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GladiatorUA.2351


Nah. ULV CPU is fine. The problem is intel’s GPU.

cant log in, uninstall, reinstall or anything

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GladiatorUA.2351


Same problem after today’s patch. The game doesn’t go to login screen. Tried redownloading GW2.exe(ran gw2setup.exe and copied gw2.exe from temp because it did nothing even after I moved original GW2.exe out of the folder) – same problem.

Gates of Arah Meta Event bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GladiatorUA.2351


For more than 30 hours(that I know of) Gates of Arah event is stuck on “The Pact are preparing to establish a forward base”, with Anchorage Waypoint contested, Arah Waypoint open and the door to Arah dungeon closed.
Filled two bug reports with Blocking the progress box checked. One yesterday and one today. Annoyed the hell out of people to send bug reports yesterday. Some, probably, did. And people were hopeful because the servers should’ve been restarted at night(like they did every night before)…. but they didn’t
kitten(haha! very funny)DO SOMETHING! Send GM to reset event chain, reboot the location or open the doors! I’m sorry, but my patience has ended.